does this happen allot?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by john smith, Mar 1, 2006.

  1. john smith

    john smith Guest

    I was cruising down the s e freeway (melbourne), doing spot on 100kph
    because of a speeding fine that mourning, and some guy in a car overtakes in
    my lane doing approx 101kph.

    There were no cars in both lanes either side of me!

    john smith, Mar 1, 2006
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  2. john smith

    ck Guest

    I would be mourning a speeding fine as well
    ck, Mar 1, 2006
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  3. john smith

    Dale Porter Guest

    Own your lane. Position your bike so that it's less likely for car drivers to share the lane you're in.
    Dale Porter, Mar 1, 2006
  4. john smith

    john smith Guest

    Thats what I've taken away from the incident.
    I found it amusing because there was absolutely no reason to use my lane.
    I'm thinking perhaps he didn't see me at all.
    john smith, Mar 1, 2006
  5. john smith

    Rocatanski Guest

    It does not happen a lot to me, but I ride in the same position as if I am
    driving a car. If I am in a centre lane and a car is coming up on my left
    before it gets to me I change sides so I am riding in the passenger

    Ride defensively and live.

    Rocatanski, Mar 1, 2006
  6. john smith

    hoppi1 Guest

    ride faster
    hoppi1, Mar 2, 2006
  7. john smith

    bonspiel Guest

    bonspiel, Mar 2, 2006
  8. john smith

    Mad-Biker Guest

    as i like to say, i ride a motorcycle 1 lane wide
    Mad-Biker, Mar 2, 2006
  9. john smith

    imagineero Guest

    This does happen and its frustrating and dangerous. the worst part of
    it is that there is no specific legislation against a car occupying the
    same lane as a bike, even if the opposit is not true.

    I find there are a few things you can do that help. Replace your
    tail/brake light with the brightest globe you can get, even if it is
    illegal. no-one is going to ping you for this. Over the years i've
    also noticed that when i was on bikes with louder pipes people were
    more hesitant about this type of overtaking and were generally more
    aware. make your own mind up about this one.

    If you are in the left lane, and generally this sort of thing only
    happens in the left lane, ride in the right hand tire track.... funny
    as it may seem most car drivers view a bike in the left tire track as
    almost an invitation to pass in the same lane.... the same way that
    when you are driving a car and someone ahead of you pulls over to the
    shoulder your would probably read his intention for you to pass.
    Riding in the right tire track cuts down on this a lot.

    Fit a super loud horn to your bike today. The OEM horns fitted to most
    bikes are a joke. They are so quiet that at highway speeds i almost
    cant hear my own when i need it. There is no chance of a driver inside
    a modern quiet car with the stereo on is going to hear it, or if they
    do, it will sound far away and not even register in their head. Get
    the loudest you can find. Ive always done this the same day i buy a
    bike, mostly i bought horns overseas where there arent any restrictions
    on noise. There are plenty of electronic horns available nowadays with
    decibel ratings to rival even medium sized air horns, and they are
    'quicker off the mark' and easier to fit. Dont make a fool of yourself
    by getting one with a silly tune, just loud and constant. This horn
    will probably save your life some day. Install it properly with a
    relay and fuse so you dont burn out your wiring/switches. If you dont
    know how there are plenty of guides available on the web. Dont be a
    tool and use your horn to impress your mates/tell your gf you are ready
    to go... a horn is used to signal another driver that they are putting
    your life at risk. As such it should convince them that the world is
    about to end, which it may do for you if they keep going. Horns that
    cause loss of bowel control are borderline acceptable in my book.

    Consider a headlight modulator. Ive never used one and i dont think i
    ever will. these things are legal and they make your headlight get
    brighter and duller in a way that car drivers notice. Lots of my
    friends use them, but i think they're a bit dangerous. I think in the
    city in a lane splitting scenario they are probably good... they do
    get noticed a lot. On the open road, too many drivers think you might
    be a bike cop, and they slow down, which means you then have to
    overtake them. These units can be turned off/on with a switch, so i
    guess you dont really lose any options by tfitting one, but not really
    my cup of tea.

    use your brain and senses, ride defensively and be aware of everything
    that's going on around you.
    imagineero, Mar 2, 2006
  10. john smith

    Bada Guest

    I owned mainly Pommie bikes in the 60s and after that mainly Jap bikes.
    For a period of 4 years I rode a Harley Lowrider which was so loud the local
    bike shop refused to give it a pink slip.

    Anyway I swear that car drivers gave me more space when I was on that bike.
    On a Jap bike they would drive beside you in the next lane or tailgate you
    but they would keep quite some distance from the Harley. Thank you

    Bada, Mar 3, 2006
  11. In on Fri, 03 Mar 2006 09:35:29 GMT
    It's not the noise, it's the looking like you'll rip their heads off
    and spit down the hole.

    I used to get a lot of space when I rode the 'orrible 'onda chop. OK,
    it had short straight pipes, so wasn't exactly quiet, but it was
    definitely the appearance not the noise.

    Zebee Johnstone, Mar 3, 2006
  12. john smith

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Yep; I agree wholeheartedly with this advice (ESPECIALLY if you're on a
    small bike or a scooter).
    At the very least you're giving yourself an additional 3rd of a lane to
    move in to if you need it.
    Knobdoodle, Mar 8, 2006
  13. I wonder if that's the same thinking that motivates car drivers to not
    let motorcycles lane split?


    PeterC [aka MildThing]
    '81 Suzuki GS450-s (gone on to better and brighter things - I hope)
    '87 BMW K100RT (write-off)
    '81 Yamaha Virago (XV) 750H (work in progress)
    '01 Yamaha FJR1300
    # 37181
    Peter Cremasco, Mar 28, 2006
  14. john smith

    GB Guest

    You have that problem? I'm constantly amazed at the number who
    move over to let me spli.... well, filter actually.

    GB, Mar 29, 2006
  15. john smith

    Knobdoodle Guest

    I find that a lot move over but you're usually past them by then.
    I also find that a lot close-in too.
    Fortunately the K75 and I (even with panniers and gut) are pretty slender
    so it's not usually a problem.
    Knobdoodle, Mar 29, 2006
  16. john smith

    G-S Guest

    Good to hear the Beer diet is working well for you.

    Must try that one myself...


    [1] I was really tempted to use this as a sig but I thought it'd come back
    to bite me :)

    Clem wrote:
    G-S, Mar 29, 2006
  17. john smith

    Knobdoodle Guest

    The bad part is when you realise they're not really panniers and I'm just
    wearing black Vinyl jeans!
    Knobdoodle, Mar 30, 2006
  18. john smith

    G-S Guest

    Damn! I told jodie that was you riding the mardi gras last year!


    G-S, Mar 30, 2006
  19. john smith

    GB Guest

    Tits oot 'n' all, he was!

    GB, *shudder*!
    GB, Mar 30, 2006
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