Does anyone else think this was really dumb?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by gazzafield, Apr 4, 2005.

  1. gazzafield

    gazzafield Guest

    Driving down the A77 in Ayrshire on Saturday (Bike's a bit ill at the
    moment) which now holds the title of the most dangerous road in Scotland.
    Hooray for us! I spotted a bike in my mirrors coming down the outside lane.

    The bike gets to within approximately fifty feet of the back of my car and
    drops in behind me. Strange, thought I. What he did next I just could not
    believe. I was passing one of the slip roads to come on to the 77 and he
    undertook me on the slip road then undertook three more cars in the inside
    lane before moving to the outside lane and then carrying on as before. He
    then sat in the outside lane about four cars in front of me for the next
    five miles. So where did it get him?

    I have my flame retardant suit on waiting for the flaming but I think this
    was one of the most stupid bits of riding I have seen in a very long time.
    gazzafield, Apr 4, 2005
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  2. gazzafield

    jsp Guest

    Easy. He needed to practice his entry to dual carriageways from slipways.


    Black it is
    and naked
    jsp, Apr 4, 2005
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  3. Halla wrote
    They are obviously not catching them fast enough then because people are
    still dying there and in record numbers. Good people, upright, tax
    paying, god fearing, citizens. With families and jobs and cats and dogs
    and goldfish and maybe even an Iguana. Or a Hamster, almost certainly
    some of the people who are dying in their droves at the hands of these
    hoards of drug crazed, speed obsessed, devil's assassins who ply their
    evil trade upon the Highways and Byways of these Sceptred Isles are
    leaving behind a poor little heartbroken, lonely and orphaned Hamster.
    Possibly even a Guinea Pig. It is simply not good enough, in fact it is
    downright scandalous. Something must be done to stop this state of
    affairs and stop it now. Who knows how many Guinea Pigs will go to
    sleep lonely tonight. If Ossama Bin Laden could claim to have been
    responsible for a mere tenth of the deaths which occurred on the roads
    this very day and the next and the next and the next then politicians
    would be wanking themselves silly at the prospect getting re-elected on
    the usual sound bite perfect false promises of actually doing something
    about it of the type that we are going to be sick to death of hearing in
    the next few weeks. Please, if only for the sake of the political
    future of Rodents everywhere, stop the carnage.
    steve auvache, Apr 4, 2005
  4. Dr Ivan D. Reid wrote
    Do we have to wait?
    steve auvache, Apr 4, 2005
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