Dodgy frame issues

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Antony Gelberg, May 30, 2007.

  1. Antony Gelberg

    AW Guest

    It did look a *bit* like a scratch, as it a developing crack in the
    upper frame tube. The dust in the "scratch" should have told them
    what it was though. As it was, the bike got a new frame. And a bit
    later, a new top end, and a new speedo and a new clutch, all under
    warranty. Ducati didn't make any money on that one. I did see it a
    few months ago though so it's still around.
    AW, May 31, 2007
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  2. Antony Gelberg

    AW Guest

    At the time (1998) Ducati's UK importer tried to tell me it was a one
    off, though I quickly found out there'd been a recall in Australia and
    the following year's model had been heavily beefed up around the
    steering head which rather undermined their position.
    AW, May 31, 2007
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  3. Antony Gelberg

    AW Guest

    What year is yours? 1995/1996 bikes are affected, I'm not sure if
    it's any other years. The 900 frame was beefed up in 97 and I'm not
    sure if it affects the 750.
    AW, May 31, 2007
  4. Antony Gelberg

    antonye Guest

    Don't worry, for some reason it was only ever
    the 900 rather than the 750 or 600.
    antonye, May 31, 2007
  5. Antony Gelberg

    AW Guest

    antonye wrote:

    Wasn't even all 900s from what the Sales Director at Ducati told me,
    IIRC. The frames were bought in from various suppliers and it was,
    allegedly, only those from certain sources that had the problem.
    AW, May 31, 2007
  6. Antony Gelberg

    antonye Guest

    Yeah, it's not that common but it does happen and
    it's always the 900, just around where the id
    plate goes on, iirc.
    antonye, May 31, 2007
  7. Antony Gelberg

    AW Guest

    Mine cracked on the top left tube, looking at it from the seat.
    AW, May 31, 2007
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