Do you have a licence for that Sporran?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by SteveH, Jun 24, 2007.

  1. SteveH

    SteveH Guest

    SteveH, Jun 24, 2007
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  2. SteveH

    Hog Guest

    JHFC how do they get away with it!
    Having said that anything other than plain leather is too fucking Gay for
    Hog, Jun 25, 2007
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  3. SteveH

    Hog Guest

    Hog, Jun 25, 2007
  4. Nah; run by insane cunts. But it always has been.
    That's the hoot - how the **** do they propose enforcing that? Tackle
    every sporran wearer at a Highland Games and insist on seeing their
    Sporran Licence? I see many faces being punched if the mini-Hitlers try
    to confiscate items.
    GS850x2 XS650 SE6a

    Teach a man to fish and he and his pikey mates will have the
    river cleaned out in a day.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jun 25, 2007
  5. SteveH

    Muck Guest

    Heh.. yeh. I guess I'll have to get another sporran. It's not only the
    Scotts that wear a kilt you know. :)
    Muck, Jun 27, 2007
  6. SteveH

    Hog Guest

    Leather. Black. No fur.
    Anything else is GAY
    Hog, Jun 28, 2007
  7. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Hog

    Wicked Uncle Nigel - Podium Placed Ducati Race Engineer as featured in
    Performance Bikes and Fast Bikes

    SBS#39 OMF#6 Enfield 500 Curry House Racer "The Basmati Rice Burner",
    Honda GL1000K2 (Falling apart) Kawasaki ZN1300 Voyager "Oh, Oh, It's so big"
    Suzuki TS250 "The Africa Single" Honda ST1100 wiv trailer
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Jun 28, 2007
  8. SteveH

    Hog Guest

    Kevlar lined kilts
    Hog, Jun 28, 2007
  9. SteveH

    Hog Guest

    Tonight is Post Edit Night!
    Hog, Jun 28, 2007
  10. SteveH

    Hog Guest

    Well Tallbloke and I did manage to finish the Longrow whisky. Ta Colin, it
    was *excellent*.

    Talking of which I had a Lagavulin 16 t'other day. Oh My it's one of my

    *SO* fucking medicinal for diabetics too!
    Hog, Jun 28, 2007
  11. I don't remember drinking Longrow. Must try some. What style is it?
    I like Lagavulin. Not as nice as Ardbeg but still nice.

    Does it have the same effect as red wine?

    Since my BG is doing odd[1] things at the moment because of the chest
    infection I've got I'm keen to try anything to keep it back down in the
    normal range..


    [1] As in 'sitting at 8-9 pre-meal instead of the usual 4-5'. But not
    going up that much after the meal either - peaks at about 10.
    Phil Launchbury, Jun 28, 2007
  12. SteveH

    Hog Guest

    Bring the Faggots on
    Hog, Jun 28, 2007
  13. SteveH

    Hog Guest

    It was a family Irvine special
    Works for me, or it certainly doesn't raise BG.
    Hog, Jun 28, 2007
  14. Peaty? Smoky? Speyside?
    Good enough.

    Phil Launchbury, Jun 28, 2007
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