Do they think we're morons?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by sweller, Apr 7, 2005.

  1. Examination, discussion, debate. And referring to as many reference
    works as possible.

    Phil Launchbury, Apr 14, 2005
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    Phil Launchbury, Apr 14, 2005
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  3. sweller

    Ben Blaney Guest


    But if one doesn't believe in God (or, *that* God), then one doesn't
    have to accord any importance to that "promise".
    Ben Blaney, Apr 14, 2005
  4. sweller

    MattG Guest

    Bear said...
    It looks perfectly in order from here. It is a statement of how I view
    the situation. I don't expect you to agree, but it is not out of order
    for me to give my opinion.

    I don't see any point in going into the matter either here or elsewhere,
    you have your view and I have mine.
    MattG, Apr 14, 2005
  5. sweller

    andrewr Guest

    Sorry for cutting down your reply to this one quote, but (a) ISTR that we've
    done the literal vs figurative devil before now[1] and (b) the quote from you
    hits the nail on the head rather well.

    If one choses to take the view that the Bible is entirely consistent then it
    obviously follows that any inconsistencies are the result of imperfect or
    misunderstood readings. If, OTOH, you take the view that the Bible is a work
    cobbled together over a ~1,500 year period based on oral tradition, earlier
    religious beliefs, 3rd hand accounts of events that happened decades previously
    and so on then any inconsistencies could still be the result of imperfect
    reading or they could be human errors or they could be geniune inconsistencies.

    If you take the former view and I the latter then it matters not a jot how many
    quotes and interpretations we bandy back and forwards we will always hit the
    fundamental stumbling block that you chose to see the unadulterated word of God
    where I chose to see the remarkable growth of a simple, almost tribal,
    polytheistic system into a world-dominating religious belief system.

    Of course, looking at it that way, we're scuppered because both of our views
    are based upon certain beliefs and can not be proven. As I think I said
    before, it would be like trying to prove that Elves exist using only "The Lord
    of the Rings" as a reference text :)

    [1] Although have you read "Fallen Angels and the origins of evil" by
    Elizabeth Prophet? She makes a good argument for the Book of Enoch, which
    includes the tale of the fallen angels, being canonical at the time of Jesus;
    although her further belief that fallen angels are now running the world might
    be a _little_ off the deep end.
    andrewr, Apr 14, 2005
  6. sweller

    MattG Guest

    Bear said...
    No, it looks to me like you're telling me that it's out of order to make
    the comment I made. I stand by that comment, and say that it is not out
    of order to make it.
    No it isn't. You were the one that brought LN into this, not me, not
    her. You want to start making comments, fine, but you can't cry foul
    because someone disagrees.
    She hasn't gone into one, she made comment on the fact that you chose to
    involve her. You haven't got the first fucking clue about her, certainly
    not what her views on religion are. You chose to assume, you got it
    This is fucking laughable. You really have no idea what her views on
    religion are. Anyway, I'm not going to argue on her behalf. She is more
    than capable of doing that for herself, however, I don't think she
    considers it worth the effort. I certainly don't.
    My head is perfectly cool. My issue here is the nasty little snipes and
    patronising comments directed at LN whilst allegedly having her in a
    MattG, Apr 14, 2005
  7. sweller

    sweller Guest

    I come from a military family. My Father (RAF) is hard line Tory.

    Except the military bit probably has no bearing as my Grandfather (ex
    Royal Engineers) was a raving Liberal [1] and my other Grandfather
    (non-military) was very much Bevan Labour.

    I'm still a member of the Labour Party. How does that help your survey?

    [1] I like that phrase
    sweller, Apr 14, 2005
  8. sweller

    andrewr Guest

    Do they still welcome scruffy, unionist, oiks like you? Do you get invites to
    nostalgia evenings and stuff?
    andrewr, Apr 14, 2005
  9. sweller

    Simes Guest

    The exception proves the rule?

    Actually I'm suprised at you being a Labour Party member at the moment.
    I thought you were a socialist.
    Simes, Apr 14, 2005
  10. sweller

    sweller Guest

    Old habits and all that. Although being a member still gives me a vote
    and 'fight from within' etc. If I keep saying it I'll believe it.

    Having said that I've been invited to join CP, again.
    sweller, Apr 14, 2005
  11. sweller

    darsy Guest

    which one?
    darsy, Apr 14, 2005
  12. sweller

    sweller Guest

    sweller, Apr 14, 2005
  13. sweller

    Simes Guest

    Are you not that close with your parents then? Or are they ashamed of
    their views?
    Simes, Apr 14, 2005
  14. sweller

    darsy Guest

    the old ways are the best, comrade.

    Which lot is it that are still going but there's like 3 of them -
    Communist Party of Great Britain?
    darsy, Apr 14, 2005
  15. sweller

    sweller Guest

    Three? There's a **** load more than three and they're all pretty much

    CPGB split into the old Euro camp (Nina Temple and the New Democratic
    Left) and the Tankies (CPB). The courts recognise NDL as the inheritors
    of the CPGB estate. They seem to have further split though.

    CPB retains control of the Morning Star.

    In reality and politically [1] CPGB is now CPB although CPGB still exists.

    I get confused.

    [1] This sort of says that reality and politics are different, heh.
    sweller, Apr 14, 2005
  16. sweller

    darsy Guest

    I meant three members left in the "Communist Party of Great Britain",
    not three schismatic groups.
    the CPB is the one that's "officially" allowed to just refer to itself
    as "The Communist Party", isn't it?
    darsy, Apr 14, 2005
  17. sweller

    sweller Guest

    I don't think there's any restriction as such but it certainly does:
    sweller, Apr 14, 2005
  18. sweller

    Champ Guest

    Good lord.

    Favourite name has to be "Finsbury Communist Association", tho an
    honourable mention should go to "Workers International to Refound the
    Fourth International (British Section)"
    Champ, Apr 14, 2005
  19. sweller

    Fr Jack Guest

    Fr Jack, Apr 14, 2005
  20. sweller

    AndrewR Guest

    Well, to be fair, the christians had 1500 years of burning, torturing and
    generally killing everyone who didn't agree with them, so really they should
    be grateful that all they get in return is a bit of stick about believing in
    an imaginary pixie who loves everybody.

    AndrewR, D.Bot (Celeritas)
    Kawasaki ZX-6R J1, Fiat Coupe 20v Turbo
    BOTAFOT#2,ITJWTFO#6,UKRMRM#1/13a,MCT#1,DFV#2,SKoGA#0 (and KotL)
    BotToS#5,SBS#25,IbW#34, DS#5, COSOC# Suspended, KotTFSTR#
    The speccy Geordie twat.
    AndrewR, Apr 14, 2005
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