Do they think we're morons?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by sweller, Apr 7, 2005.

  1. The hoot-worthy thing about your saying this^^^^^^
    Is that you then follow it with this^^^^^^^

    Have you actually checked how many candidates and political parties
    there are?

    Hint: more than two.
    The Older Gentleman, Apr 10, 2005
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  2. Plus if you went into a polling booth, it would catch fire.
    The Older Gentleman, Apr 10, 2005
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  3. The BBC are now reporting that a tsunami has hit the North American
    coast [1]. Police are searching for a German motorcyclist who was seen
    in the Boston area.

    [1] that'll upset the new moderation committee that has banned
    predictable "joke" postings.
    Paul Corfield, Apr 10, 2005
  4. Further hint - how many have any realistic prospect of winning? One or
    possibly two at national level for the forthcoming election. With the
    electoral odds so out of kilter given Labour's majority from 2001 it is
    no wonder people are somewhat disillusioned about the effectiveness of
    their vote - especially if they wish to vote Labour out. Don't the
    Tories need a swing of 10.3% against Labour to get a majority of one

    The argument this time round seems to be either

    a) vote Labour as the least worst option
    b) vote Tory to provide a solid foundation for a win in 5 years time
    when the required swing will probably be less.
    c) vote Lib Dem if you wish to register an anti Iraq war vote.

    I appreciate there are other minority parties but they are very unlikely
    to gain many seats - except in places like Northern Ireland where the
    usual religious split will manifest itself.
    Paul Corfield, Apr 10, 2005
  5. True, but that's not what he said.

    And we return to the original point: if you don't vote, you have very
    little ammunition to back up your grumbles about the current political

    And if enough people voted for an alternative to Labour/Tory, instead of
    whinging: "There's no point" then they'd effect a change.

    A vote is vital.

    Right, I ain't getting drawn into any more political discussions
    because, frankly, I don't know enough about politics to stand my corner.
    On this one point - the vote - however, I stand my point.

    Of course, it may have to be read with "IMHO" attached ;-)
    The Older Gentleman, Apr 10, 2005
  6. sweller

    porl Guest

    Oh I see what you're saying. So for instance, Bertrand Russell's or Noam
    Chomsky's opinions on government would be devalued if they were found out to
    not have voted?
    porl, Apr 10, 2005
  7. Perfectly calm, thanks. I'm trying to help you; bring you back to the
    'deep and funny' porl of before. Right now, you're not doing too well.
    That porl is presently a monkey wanking itself off for the amusement of
    genuine_froggie, Apr 10, 2005
  8. I'll bet you are.
    genuine_froggie, Apr 10, 2005
  9. sweller

    porl Guest

    Yes, keep telling yourself and breathe slowly. I'm told it helps.
    porl, Apr 10, 2005
  10. sweller

    Owen Guest

    On Fri, 08 Apr 2005 21:46:17 +0100, Salad Dodger

    *Pedant mode*... I think you'll find they do wear buttons but not
    zips, on account of the hook part of the zip being a tool of the

    Still rather good tho...
    1 Black, shortly to undergo extensive surgery.
    1 Red, undergoing lightweight surgery. -----
    1 Blue, for Power-Ranger baiting. | o |
    Numbers ... | o |
    Stuff ... | ooo |
    Life ... -----
    Owen, Apr 10, 2005
  11. sweller

    jsp Guest

    I rode past a sign syaing that again yesterday. I can't say how annoyed
    it makes me.

    WTF would it matter to me if someone attacking my daughter was on early

    And putting negative images of life before us sucks too IMO. Like
    insurance companies who send you letters saying "We know you have a
    happy life now, but what if you had a nasty accident and buggerd
    yourself up? Pay us loads of money to help you feel better about it."


    Black it is
    and naked
    jsp, Apr 10, 2005
  12. Dr Ivan D. Reid wrote
    So Friday was a rare day then? I hope you treasured it because it has
    gone forever now.
    steve auvache, Apr 10, 2005
  13. Thats not a very snappy name for a comic is it?
    Jason Hagerty, Apr 10, 2005
  14. sweller

    raden Guest

    In message
    But none with a reasonable chance of getting elected
    raden, Apr 10, 2005
  15. sweller

    raden Guest

    In message
    Yebbut, it's like saying do you want to be shot or hanged - I don't want
    either thank you

    Vote for whom ?

    I don't want either

    I don't see any viable alternative

    And it's not going to stop me complaining
    raden, Apr 10, 2005
  16. sweller

    jsp Guest

    And there never will be if poeple won't take time to support the other

    Not that that's the only thing to be done, of course.


    Black it is
    and naked
    jsp, Apr 10, 2005
  17. sweller

    raden Guest

    No - It's "would you like a turd hotdog or a piss lemonade?"

    I REALLY don't want either

    let me say it again

    I REALLY don't want either
    raden, Apr 10, 2005
  18. raden wrote
    There was this programme on the wireless while I was coming home today.
    They were up in Scotland talking to people about the election. Some
    bird who had either just reads or just finished some study into voters
    and elections and opinions about The System.

    Seems you are not alone in your way of thinking.

    Part of the feelings of disenfranchisement, according to this bird, was
    that society had moved on and the mainstream parties hadn't.

    Maybe labour and the tories should do what that south african national
    party did and vote itself out of existence on the grounds that it simply
    was no longer needed.
    steve auvache, Apr 10, 2005
  19. sweller

    raden Guest

    It's not a matter of money poured in, it's a matter of tangible results

    Labour are still going on about the mess that the tories left them with
    after 8 years. They have had plenty of time to have made a significance,
    and I don't see it

    The tories actually left labour with a good financial balance, we now
    have IIRC the 4th largest national debt in the world
    raden, Apr 10, 2005
  20. sweller

    Ginge Guest

    I didn't see him, so probably not.
    Ginge, Apr 10, 2005
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