Do they think we're morons?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by sweller, Apr 7, 2005.

  1. I get hard just think about it.
    genuine_froggie, Apr 9, 2005
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  2. Here. Just skipping over this argument because it's boring.
    The Older Gentleman, Apr 9, 2005
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  3. sweller

    sweller Guest

    I'd rather not.
    sweller, Apr 9, 2005
  4. sweller

    ogden Guest

    More likely

    Labour 3005
    Conservative 35205 (it IS Billericay, after all)
    Liberal Democrat 12743
    British National Party 5345
    UK Independence 7234
    Local crazy wacko party 15236

    etc, etc. Why assume that everyone who's forced to vote will spoil
    their paper? Most of them won't even realise that's an option, so
    they'll "waste" their vote another way. Do you want to run the risk
    of UKIP, the BNP or the local crazy wackos getting seats just beause
    somebody was forced to vote?
    ogden, Apr 9, 2005
  5. sweller

    jsp Guest

    Good choice.


    Black it is
    and naked
    jsp, Apr 9, 2005
  6. sweller

    ogden Guest

    You get on t'interweb and use it as a means to try and put together
    a party that matches your own personal ideology. You work with it
    until you have candidates across the country, and you *are* the
    viable alternative. If it's so viable, you can't go wrong.

    Imagine if there was a "whinging idiots who can't be arsed to get off
    their arse and change that to which they fundamentally object" party.
    It'd win every seat by a huge majority.
    ogden, Apr 9, 2005
  7. sweller

    jsp Guest

    My own view here, is that it would be better to go and vote for your
    preferred option anyway. How do you know how many other's there are who
    might vote that way if they thought there was a chance. Your vote is
    one more towards them becoming viable.

    Also, intent is registered, which whilst not counting for much, accounts
    for something. I would rather engage at all possible points than havve
    my views go entirely unnoticed.


    Black it is
    and naked
    jsp, Apr 9, 2005
  8. sweller

    ogden Guest

    Quite. If more people voted for what they wanted, rather than siding
    with whichever of the big boys they thought was least unpalatable,
    it might become more of a three horse race. Next time round, with a
    viable third option, more people might take the same path.

    Sheep never changed anything.
    ogden, Apr 9, 2005
  9. sweller

    jsp Guest

    jsp, Apr 9, 2005
  10. sweller

    porl Guest

    No, it *really* doesn't.
    porl, Apr 9, 2005
  11. sweller

    petrolcan Guest

    the cont known as porl says...
    IMO, it does.
    petrolcan, Apr 9, 2005
  12. sweller

    porl Guest

    So what you going to do? Refuse to listen to my whinging, and instead listen
    to anyone who did vote, despite them maybe being a window licker? It's a
    ridiculous criterium [nods to Ivor].
    porl, Apr 9, 2005
  13. sweller

    Tim Guest

    Isn't not voting in itself a statement of voting preference? Therefore
    those who do not vote (here's the tricky bit filtering out the lazy
    cunts who can't be bothered) retain the right to complain by the simple
    expedient that the ballot for does not contain a "none of the above"
    option. So if you don't wish to vote you should turn-up and spoil the
    ballot form.
    Tim, Apr 9, 2005
  14. sweller

    Tim Guest

    That's apart from most of the week just past is it?
    Tim, Apr 9, 2005

  15. Spoiling the form does nothing to help at all. Having been involved at
    counts many times, spoiled papers are scruted by the candidates to see
    if there is any agreement as to who the voter intended to vote for, but
    that's it.

    Generally papers are considered to have been spoiled by window lickers
    and people too stupid to vote. If you want to make a change then get
    involved - stand for local govt or parliament and start doing all the
    things you think you can do better. If you are right you'll soon have
    a majority government.
    Simon Atkinson, Apr 9, 2005
  16. sweller

    Tim Guest

    Ah, but man is fallible. Therefore man may at various times and
    simultaneously (there being so many of mankind) come to differing
    conclusions of God's plan. This is clearly demonstrated by the different
    denominations within the global Christian church. Sadly leading to, in
    extremis, shouts of "I am right and you are wrong". Yet alone people who
    view creation from another faith or no faith at all. So can I ask how
    you know that your response to exclude yourself from the voting process
    is the right thing to do? Could this not lead to a hypothetical
    situation of a new Hitler getting power because of all the abstentions
    on religious grounds, i.e. you let the evil bastard in by inaction?
    Actually I think you may be wrong. If the Almighty gave man a spirit of
    discernment and a reasoning mind then are you not offending God by
    misuse of His gifts?
    Tim, Apr 9, 2005
  17. sweller

    Tim Guest

    err confused here??? It's early in the morning [1] and I am playing
    catch-up on this thread. Let me get more coffee and some food :)

    [1] It's been a long week and I had a nice long snooze this morning and
    a real ale festival last night.
    Tim, Apr 9, 2005
  18. sweller

    Tim Guest

    I too have been involved in counting at elections. I disagree with you.
    The argument is about whether non-votes have a right (moral or legal) to
    whinge over a pint about the current occupiers of government. I am
    fairly sure that if the spoilt pile had more than the usual 20 or 30
    papers but had 2,000 then it'd grab attention of all involved, specially
    so if it was universally repeated at each polling station.
    I look forward to you losing your deposit. The "window lickers" normally
    respond to the sound bite spin doctoring they are force-fed by the
    media. Don't believe me? Try tuning into a local radio station mid-week
    afternoon phone-in.

    I suspect part of the malaise is that most MPs and candidates are now
    automata controlled by a select-few. Gone are the days when the party
    allowed members to speak their own mind and thereby add some spice to
    the whole.
    Tim, Apr 9, 2005
  19. sweller

    Salad Dodger Guest

    I think Bremner's unique among TV impressionists, in that he doesn't
    feel the need to tell you who he "is" in the opening line of the
    sketch. cf. A McGowan, J Culshaw, etc.

    | ___ Salad Dodger
    |/ \
    _/_____\_ GL1500SEV/CBR1100XXX/KH500A8/TS250C
    |_\_____/_| ..73850../..18203.../..3184./.19406
    (>|_|_|<) TPPFATUICG#7 DIAABTCOD#9 YTC#4 PM#5
    |__|_|__| BOTAFOT #70 BOTAFOF #09 two#11 WG*
    \ |^| / IbW#0 & KotIbW# BotTOS#6 GP#4
    \|^|/ ANORAK#17 IbB#4
    '^' RBR Landmarks: 5 Pts: 90 Miles: 455
    Salad Dodger, Apr 9, 2005
  20. sweller

    Tim Guest

    But a Christian should help the plan to fruition, so therefore should go
    a put a cross in the box that the spirit directs the believer towards.
    Tim, Apr 9, 2005
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