Do I need a new tyre?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Stonge, May 30, 2004.

  1. Stonge

    Stonge Guest


    Just my luck, bought new bike (bandit 600) last week, get nail in rear tyre
    this morning! It's directly in the middle. The rear tyre is a 160/60 Dunlop
    Sportmax (same as front). They both appear to be quite new, with lots of
    wear left.

    I have 4 options (I think).

    1. have the tyre repaired - does anyone recommend this?

    2. Replace the tyre with another Sportmax - no idea what they are like, only
    done 100 miles before puncture.

    3. Replace tyre with something else (which one?)

    4. Change front as well (to match)?

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Stonge, May 30, 2004
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  2. Stonge

    deadmail Guest

    Yes, yes, yes. It's in the middle of the tyre, no problem.
    deadmail, May 30, 2004
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  3. Stonge

    wessie Guest

    Stonge wrote in
    Yes. Get a proper mushroom plug fitted. Have a look in the FAQ at for a list of tyre dealers. If you say where you live
    someone may give a recommendation.
    wessie, May 30, 2004
  4. Stonge

    Stonge Guest

    If you say where you live someone may give a recommendation.

    Stonge, May 30, 2004
  5. Stonge

    WavyDavy Guest

    I had a proper repair on a Micghelin Pilot Sport in the centre of the rear
    tyre on my GSXR750 - consisted of pushing a metal cored, rubber surrounded
    plug through from the inside of the tyre which was 'T' shaped with the big
    bit inside and all squidged in with vulcanising (or similar) glue. That was
    in france 4 years ago, but it held up rather well, including 1500 miles on
    said France trip including multiple 170mph+ indications on various
    peages^^^^^^ race tracks and also a track evening at Donington.....
    Sportmax D204, D205, D207 or D208? If it's either of the first I,
    personally, would take the hit and swap for something stickier for summer
    and keep the Dunlops (with the rear mended as above) for lobbing back on in
    winter as they're not the greatest tyres, tbh, but in shite weather you'd
    not notice the difference between those and some v expensive super sticky
    stuff (actually, you might as the super sticky stuff'd never get up to temp
    in winter and would be worse than D204/5s)...
    If you're replacing the rear for something else then I'd advise changing the
    front to match, or at the very least *nearly* match and be stickier - how's
    about a BT010 front and 020 rear? Grip from the front, almost as much grip
    from the rear and better overall mileage...

    WavyDavy, May 30, 2004
  6. Stonge

    Ginge Guest

    I'd recommend you move somewhere nicer.
    Ginge, May 30, 2004
  7. Stonge

    Stonge Guest

    Which Sportmax - D204, D205, D207 or D208?

    D207 (the front has an additional F, which I guess means Front)

    So the general thinking is to fix it then...


    Stonge, May 30, 2004
  8. Stonge

    Pete Rixon Guest

    Oi! That's not very nice. I will have you know there are some *very*
    nice roads that lead back to civilization...
    Pete Rixon, May 31, 2004
  9. Stonge

    mups Guest

    Stonge says...
    Try Bikerz (01782 272036) in Stoke. I've used them before and they seem
    pretty good.
    mups, May 31, 2004
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