Petrol Muppet that is. For the second time ever, I did indeed run dry of fuel this evening. I work approx 4 miles from home, but with no suitable bus journey and me being a lazy bastard I ride it most of the time. Yesterday I flicked to reserve, and though, I really should fuill up tomorrow. Now, what is relevant here, is that a quarter of a mile from home is a petrol station. There is also one about the same distance from work. This morning I rode in and thought, I'll fill up after work. This evening it was pissing down so I thought, I'll fill up when I get home. Forgetting that I thrashed the bike into work this morning. So at what is very likely to be almost exactly half way home, the bike died. Pissing down, dark and chocka with traffic. End result, colleague called, one I know always has a can in the boot of his car. Except he took it out this morning to remind him to fill it up. Still he picked me up (not on his way home) took me to a petrol station, gave me a lift back to the bike. What a star. What number do I get?