Hello, I have a Muzzy Carbon pipe for my ZX-6R. A while ago now the bracket supporting it from the pillion peg came off[1] on the Phillip Island main straight and was subsequently turned into a distorted pretzel. I wasn't too fussed as the pipe was giving me the shits from being too loud. I went back to the the stocker but I have another track day[2] coming up and was thinking of using it as it seems to have marginaly better/flatter response and I can hear the engine better. I was wondering what some good materials would be to make a replacement bracket? I'm thinking some sort of plumbing supplies, but also thought some heat resistant tape or something would be good to stop the pipe getting too scratched. This is the only photo I have with a shot of the home made zip-tie bracket I made track side. The pipe doesn't get that hot being carbon but it was hot enough to deform the zip ties: [URL]http://au.f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/gigagilgamesh_au/vwp?.dir=/Unfiled+Photos&.dnm=ChickStripRearB.jpg[/URL] <[URL]http://au.f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/gigagilgamesh_au/vwp?.dir=/Unfiled+Photos&.dnm=ChickStripRearB.jpg>[/URL] Cheers, Duncan. [1] The pipe was installed at the shop as part of a crash repair. It makes almost no sense that it came off, I have a photo of the bike in the same session with all bolts in place and the bracket would have to be bent to get around the end of the can... [2] Doing Superbike School level 1 at Broadford on 20th Dec. Hoping they don't have a noise limit.