Disc Brake Question

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by J. Shawn Stephens, Jul 15, 2004.

  1. I've noticed that when I'm not able to ride for a few days, the front disc
    brake seems to get a light layer of oxidization on it and it rubs whenever
    I'm pushing the bike out of the garage. After a ride and use of the brake a
    few times, this rubbing goes away, until the next time. Is this normal? Is
    there something I can or should be doing to maintain the disc so this
    doesn't occur? Thanks for any help you can give.
    J. Shawn Stephens, Jul 15, 2004
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  2. J. Shawn Stephens

    fullstate Guest

    Best I can tell that is somewhat normal if you are using cast-iron

    It doesn't seem to hurt the rotors or the pads any as long as they
    aren't warped.


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Jul 15, 2004
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  3. J. Shawn Stephens

    Bownse Guest

    Can't say for sure. My bike never sets around like that.
    Bownse, Jul 15, 2004
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