Disabled Bikers?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Bales1983 (Lee Bales), Nov 21, 2004.

  1. Bales1983 (Lee Bales)

    Lozzo Guest

    Donegal Paul says...
    I quite liked the name that the Bedford Lambretta experts had...Bedlam.
    Lozzo, Nov 23, 2004
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  2. Bales1983 (Lee Bales)

    Donegal Paul Guest

    "Lozzo" said to Donegal Paul says...
    *heh* yeah...........
    Donegal Paul - On the mend
    Lambretta Li186 - crashed and bashed
    Vespa T5 Millenium - intact
    www.a4c.co.uk - What are YOU doing?
    Donegal Paul, Nov 23, 2004
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  3. Bales1983 (Lee Bales)

    petrolcan Guest

    the cont known as Mo Childs says...
    I was being serious.

    Mongs on crutches are bad enough, but putting them on 2 wheels?
    petrolcan, Nov 23, 2004
  4. Bales1983 (Lee Bales)

    petrolcan Guest

    the cont known as Bear says...
    petrolcan, Nov 23, 2004
  5. Bales1983 (Lee Bales)

    Donegal Paul Guest

    "Bear" replied to petrolcan
    Donegal Paul - On the mend
    Lambretta Li186 - crashed and bashed
    Vespa T5 Millenium - intact
    www.a4c.co.uk - What are YOU doing?
    Donegal Paul, Nov 23, 2004

  6. So your suggesting that as i have fucked up legs i would be dangerous on
    a bike?? That my brain is also fucked up??

    Bales1983 (Lee Bales), Nov 23, 2004
  7. Bales1983 (Lee Bales)

    flash Guest

    He's only pulling your ,errrm, arm.
    flash, Nov 23, 2004
  8. Bales1983 (Lee Bales)

    Eiron Guest

    And showing his ignorance. The correct insulting term
    is "spazz" rather than "mong", not that I would ever write such words.
    Eiron, Nov 23, 2004
  9. Bales1983 (Lee Bales)

    David Thomas Guest

    I'm dangerous on a bike... but only to myself which sort of makes it ok I
    My friends tend to call me "spazzo" which I consider to be a term of
    endearment, except when I'm pissed then they call me a "window licker".

    David Thomas, Nov 23, 2004
  10. Bales1983 (Lee Bales)

    flash Guest

    I don't think huge ears actually count as a disablement do they?
    flash, Nov 23, 2004
  11. Bales1983 (Lee Bales)

    David Thomas Guest

    Hmmm, maybe you should reserve judgement till you have seen them.

    David Thomas, Nov 23, 2004
  12. Bales1983 (Lee Bales)

    Dave Painter Guest

    But, But, But there is only one true black.
    It's name is Matt

    C90- three different donors, five shades of matt black.
    Dave Painter, Nov 23, 2004
  13. Bales1983 (Lee Bales)

    Dave Painter Guest

    "Bales1983 (Lee Bales)" <"lee"@bales2003.free\"removethis\"serve.co.uk>
    wrote in message
    Weird suggestion, biker pal has a similar problem.
    Bad hip can't 'cock' his leg over bike.
    So he stands at back of bike.
    Then shuffles forward over the saddle until he is in the right place.

    So try it with a bike in the shop.

    He rides a trailie type 'skinny' bike with lowered rear shocks, and a cut
    shortened seat.

    Dave Painter, Nov 23, 2004
  14. Dave Painter wrote
    The only way matt black works on a Lambretta is without the accessories.
    Plain, simple and unadorned. It is 1960's Italian fashion styling ffs,
    it is fucking hard to improve on.
    steve auvache, Nov 23, 2004
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