dirt bikes for road use

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Stroker, Feb 23, 2005.

  1. Stroker

    Stroker Guest

    have any of yous ridding a dirt bike to work, & for regular road use

    im thinking of an old dt175 or similar for my commute

    its a bit like having a 4wd and never going off road
    but i think a small motox would be good for splitting lanes my rgv was
    pretty good but it was a tempremental un_reliable bitch, i mustve pulled the
    barrells off about 6 times in 2 years with either broken rings or pistons.

    i only need a small bike cause most of the time im either riding in the
    breakdown lane or splitting lanes through traffic jams. im thinking a dirt
    bikes would be heaps better than a scooter. i should be able to mount median
    strips etc better on a dirt bike than a scooter.

    also i need something with a long flat seat , misses only rode with me once
    on the rgv and would never do it again,

    is a dirt bike going to wear out too much with high speed road use, are the
    brake pads, pistons, chains etc not built for longevity
    Stroker, Feb 23, 2005
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  2. Stroker

    Johnnie5 Guest

    must remember that one
    XR250 seems to fit the above requirements quite well
    Johnnie5, Feb 23, 2005
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  3. Stroker

    Knobdoodle Guest

    X-No-archive: yes
    Yeah a dirt bike will cope fine but an equivalent road bike would be cheaper
    and have better brakes and (probably) better seat and tyres.
    Stay out of breakdown lanes (unless you're having a breakdown) and off
    median strips!
    We have an unwritten deal with other road users that lets us get away with
    stuff if we don't annoy anyone too much.....
    Stroker wrote in message
    Knobdoodle, Feb 24, 2005
  4. Stroker

    Stroker Guest

    other road users, dont u mean moron drivers who cant even turn their heads
    to change lanes
    Stroker, Feb 24, 2005
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