Did Ya'll read where former Prez Bush attended Lays Funeral?

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Jul 13, 2006.

  1. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    Former President Bush and his wife, Barbara, wre among the mourners
    Wednesday at a memorial service of Enron Corp. CEO Thief, Ken Lay, who
    was convicted of six counts of fraud and conspiracy.
    This proves one thang' to me, the Bushes did not loose any money through
    Ken Lays master minding, that wiped out thousands of peoples
    reitirements. If so, surely they wouldnt have attended the crooks
    Is there anything awful about this picture?
    I wonder if the Bushes will go to any other high profile Crook's
    funeral, in the future.
    I wonder if they every attend any of the American Soldiers killed in
    Iraq, Funerals? Does anyone know? (just Pitiful, bjay)
    BJayKana, Jul 13, 2006
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  2. BJayKana

    Jon Guest

    Kind of irrelevant. Since Bush was never an Enron employee how could
    he possibly have lost money in that way?
    Jon, Jul 15, 2006
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  3. BJayKana

    Wakko Guest

    Hello, Jon. New to the group?

    I would have bet Bush would have been at Lay's funeral. Hell, I'd have even
    bet he would have been crying like a baby. I'll also bet that Lay bastard
    steered a ton of money into his campaigns.

    Any takers?
    Wakko, Jul 15, 2006
  4. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    jon responds);
    Kind of irrelevant. Since Bush was never an Enron employee how could he
    possibly have lost money in that way?

    Hello, Jon. New to the group?
    I would have bet Bush would have been at Lay's funeral. Hell, I'd have
    even bet he would have been crying like a baby. I'll also bet that Lay
    bastard steered a ton of money into his campaigns.
    Any takers?
    Basically, I thought it was a slap in the face of all those who lost
    their Lifes savings, and 401K's.

    No doubt, wakko!!!!!!!!
    And 'Dubya most likely would have liked to have attended it,
    Anyway, fromer prez Bush man. did indeed attend the 'Thief's'' funeral.
    Probably tried to come up with some tears, the best he could, at his
    BJayKana, Jul 15, 2006
  5. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    Hey Wakko, I just added a ''line'' to your response, sorry. I added
    Quote)''basically, that was a slap in the face of those wholst their
    lifes savings and 401K's.''(un'Quote) (SORRY about that,<g>)
    Wakko, I was reading along here, and did my response, got up, to get
    another cup, and came back in my webby office, and attached the ''line''
    to your response.
    BJayKana, Jul 15, 2006
  6. BJayKana

    Wakko Guest

    Our presidents aren't at their best at funerals....
    except their own.
    Wakko, Jul 15, 2006
  7. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    ''Our presidents aren't at their best at funerals.... except their own.

    '06 FLHTCUSE "Ultra Chicken"
    '03 FLSTSI - "BlingBling" (under reconstruction)


    say VGlenn, that was ''gall,Dern'' funny.

    'Ya'll take care'' --BJAY--
    BJayKana, Jul 15, 2006
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