Death of a Bandit

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Darren Robinson, Oct 2, 2003.

  1. Just had a phone call from the insurance assessor. The bike is an
    economic write-off; over £4500 would need to be spent on repairs to
    make it roadworthy again. The damage includes, but is not limited to:

    Forks bent and torn from mounting (!)
    Tank dented
    Frame scraped
    End can dented and scratched
    Swing-arm bent
    Subframe bent
    Front wheel cracked & buckled
    RHS engine casing smashed

    Due to Bandits being low-value bikes, they should settle for in the
    region of £2000 plus recovery costs; other claims & losses to be dealt
    with separately.

    R480 ORM, rest in pieces.

    I'm temporarily removing two#1 from my sig until I get another bike.
    Darren Robinson, Oct 2, 2003
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  2. Darren Robinson

    Chrisr Guest

    <fx: shamelessly hijacks thread>

    Bear - wassis?
    "omnis culpa ursi est."

    Does it mean "everything's Bears fault" or "all bears are at fault"?

    Hmmm culpa -ae f. [fault , blame]; esp. [the fault of unchastity]; meton.,
    [a cause of error or sin].

    Everyone's shagging bears?
    Chrisr, Oct 2, 2003
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  3. Darren Robinson

    Chrisr Guest

    Right - so I started off close and went rapidly down hill! Given that the
    extent of my classical education is having once met someone who knew a man
    who had one, it wasn't a bad guess ;)
    Chrisr, Oct 2, 2003
  4. You're evil.
    Darren Robinson, Oct 2, 2003
  5. Darren Robinson

    ogden Guest

    Get a bandit. But get a proper one this time, eh? There's a good lad.
    ogden, Oct 2, 2003
  6. Darren Robinson wrote
    See this is where you lot have got this two bit all wrong. I reckon you
    should renounce your two and allow all the others to shuffle up one.
    Thus, in the pecking order of two's those with the most commitment to
    the cause gain kudos by having low numbers.
    steve auvache, Oct 2, 2003
  7. Thanks, but no thanks. If I get another Bandit it's going to be a 12.
    Oh yes. Preferably black.
    Darren Robinson, Oct 2, 2003
  8. Darren Robinson

    Pip Guest

    Hmm. Had to be, really. Guessed the forks and frame would be fucked
    and that's game over before you start.
    Game on. Onward and upward, mate.

    How go the claim machinations - and the hurty bits?
    Pip, Oct 2, 2003
  9. I'm hoping to get a photo to upload sometime, but it sounds pretty
    comprehensively fucked. The assessor reckoned salvage value of £100
    would not be out of order. Even so, there may be someone willing to
    take it off my hands; more news as and when.
    Cheers; that's certainly the intent.
    Well, I spoke to RSS after the assessor phoned; they reckon it'll take
    about a week for the other bloke's insurers to make an offer;
    according to one source, the Glass's value is £2000 so fingers crossed
    (on one hand only, of which more later). After that, RSS will unleash
    the lawyers for the injuries, loss of use etc. which as we all know
    may be some time (see Oates, Captain Lawrence). The hurty bits are
    better, but not completely. My left heel hurts to stand on, the right
    ankle doesn't like bending sideways much; both knees are quite
    amazingly painful if I crouch or kneel. Both hips feel a bit stiff.
    Lower back can feel uncomfortable at times. Bollocks are of normal
    appearance again, but more tender than usual (TMI?). Left wrist
    hurts if under pressure, as does left thumb. Right forearm is still
    in a cast (which right now feels like it has sand in it, anyone got an
    angle grinder?), until next Tuesday at least. I tire easily. Further
    appointment with GP pending, I think.

    I just got a payout on an endowment policy I've had for the last 10
    years. It's underperformed, no shocks there, but I've got £2600 back
    from putting just under £2400 in overall. About £1500 of that *may*
    be available for the replacement fund...

    I'll be back.
    Darren Robinson, Oct 3, 2003
  10. Or in my case arthritis..


    Phil Launchbury, Network & Infrastructure PHB
    Triumph Tiger 955i
    'Do not meddle in the affairs of sysadmins, for they
    are quick to anger and have no need of subtlety'
    Remove sick person to email me
    Phil Launchbury, Oct 3, 2003
  11. Darren Robinson

    Alan.T.Gower Guest

    So you wont be needing them card heaters then :eek:)
    Alan.T.Gower, Oct 3, 2003
  12. Darren Robinson

    Pip Guest

    ... and the first vulture banks in off the thermal ...

    I knew it wouldn't take long before the Bandit bandits started picking
    over the carcass.
    Pip, Oct 3, 2003
  13. Are you playing with a cold deck?



    GS 850 x2 / SE 6a
    FUB KotL OSOS#12? UKRMMA#19
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Oct 3, 2003
  14. Stay tuned. I may have an "all or nothing" offer; if I can get you
    them off I will.
    Darren Robinson, Oct 4, 2003
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