<>~<>?>Hey, Has Another Viewer told us how much he has donated?<>? <>'Have a Good'un'>>>BJAY>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I've already expressed my position of not having interest in the tsunami and am not donating to it. It is only the most recent of major disasters that occupy the news and popular culture for a while and then is forgetten as something else comes along to occupy the mass mind set. Domestic problems, as previously described in my other posts, have a much higher priority to me.<>Another Viewer< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ aaaahhhhh.... that is so commendable.. I am suitably impressed... hmmm... Now.. just which of those domestic issues are you addressing and what action are you taking to redress them ?? bill walker<> <>><><><><><<><>><><><<>>>>>>>>>>>Another Viewer expresses above about the tsunami being the latest major disaster that has occupied the news and popular culture, and says it will be soon be forgotten. He must not have heard the lastest fatality numbers, that have reached up to 150,000. (?) It's hard to imagine, that he could put this down a ways, on his donation list.<> I, too, wonder what domestic issue could possibly take priorty in his mind, over the most disasterous event in history, caused by the tsunami. (just trying to understand) ‹›‘Have a Good'un’›››BJAY›››