deadliest hurricane in US history

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by another viewer, Dec 31, 2004.

  1. we didn't see any international aid response to that.
    Galveston just went about rebuilding itself.

    how much foreign aid came to Florida for this last year?

    charity begins at home.
    another viewer, Dec 31, 2004
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  2. I'm sure the people in Florida still living in FEMA trailers will be
    happy to see American relief money going to Somalia and Sri Lanka and
    not rebuilding infrastructure in Port Charlotte nor Vero Beach.

    There is no federal deficit and no shorfall of funding for school or
    health or emergency programs in America either. Why, we are just flush
    with cash!

    How much have you personally donated to any of the relief efforts in
    Florida or Asia ? $100.00 ?

    Not likely.
    another viewer, Dec 31, 2004
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  3. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    I wonder how many Allstate, Farmers, State Farm agents there are in Sri
    Lanka and Indonesia to sell homeowners insurance? I wonder what the death
    toll was in Florida as compared to what's going on with these Tsunamis?

    Get the point?

    I didn't think so.
    Brian Walker, Jan 1, 2005
  4. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    How many casualties were in all the storms of Florida last year? In the past
    10 years?

    Every year storms hit the coast lines here in the US and every year there's
    a bunch of irresponsible republican nut-jobs without insurance and with
    their hands out begging for money from the government.

    I started to write out a big long response, but then it dawned on're just not worth it. Again, I'd have to agree with Morgan and say
    you're just fuckin' stupid.
    Brian Walker, Jan 1, 2005
  5. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    Oh, I forgot...speaking of making one's self "fat"....
    Brian Walker, Jan 1, 2005

  6. so what. now we're the worlds' insurance agent?

    there are no uninsured people in Florida living in trailers wondering
    what to do for housing? FEMA and the American Red Cross are fully

    cool... nice to see we have the money for all that and the deficit is

    I never did get a response on how much money anyone here has personally
    dontated to the relief efforts. I asked about $100.00 personal donation,
    maybe that was too much.

    anyone here even donated $10.00 ? $5.00 ?

    talk is cheap.....
    another viewer, Jan 1, 2005
  7. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    I knew you wouldn't "get it".
    Yup, sure is! Been donating to the victims of Florida?
    Brian Walker, Jan 1, 2005
  8. Oh, I get it, I don't support us being the worlds insurance agent of
    last resort while we have uninsured homeless elderly in our country and
    VA hospitals and veterans benefits are being cut domestically. Sri
    Lanka isn't that important compared to Americans in need.

    Nope. I'm the one advocating not spending budgeted emergency funds
    overseas so it can be used on domestic problems, remember?

    Others like yourself want to spend loads of money overseas, but not any
    of your own. All the relief agencies are asking for cash to spend in
    the Indian Ocean rim countries. If you think it's a good idea,
    contribute to it beyond lip service with some real cash of your own.
    another viewer, Jan 1, 2005
  9. Good, that's what I like to see from people who espouse it.
    the news certainly does pump things up. the Darfur genocide, which is
    still ongoing, has 80,000 dead and two million displaced asnd starving.
    It doesn't have flashy news footage, exotic resorts or interviews with
    swimsuit models so it doesn't get as much play tho', so those poor
    bastards in Darfur continue to get killed and suffer. the US is now up
    to 350 million and climbing, or roughly the budget of the new football
    stadium to be built in Arlington.
    I put a higher priority on unaddressed domestic problems before those of
    the third world. It's also interesting to see which disasters are
    deemed worthy of news coverage and relief and which aren't. Rwanda,
    Cambodia, central African AIDS and Darfur need better public relations,
    even with having the same numbers of dead and homeless as the tsunami
    another viewer, Jan 1, 2005
  10. I am honest. I heven't donated to any body out of my city limits.
    Charity starts at home. I have a grand daughter, that would come first
    And other family members that I would help first. Sorry about that.
    <>Hey, Has Another Viewer told us how much he has donated?<>?

    ‹›‘Have a Good'un’›››BJAY›››
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Jan 1, 2005
  11. another viewer

    Bill Walker Guest

    I am honest. I heven't donated to any body out of my city limits.
    Charity starts at home. I have a grand daughter, that would come first
    And other family members that I would help first. Sorry about that.
    <>Hey, Has Another Viewer told us how much he has donated?<>?

    <>'Have a Good'un'>>>BJAY>>>

    hmmm... never noticed... Course with John Moran, whatever he claims is about
    like all his other bullshit.. just that.. LMAO..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 1, 2005
  12. Where did i do that? I prioritize American needs over foreign. Is that
    wrong ?

    the tsunami is the current popular disaster. give it six months and
    something else will be the pop culture cause de jour while previous
    disasters of equal scope remain unresolved and forgotten.
    I haven't said anything about getting anything back, i'm about
    prioritizing within a limited budget. my priorities go to the
    Americans in need above foreign aid. More funding for the VA, more aid
    for the elderly uninsured homeless, better pay for troops in combat and
    better benefits for those and their families injured or killed in
    military service rank way above servicing foreign aid disasters. If
    someone wants to volunteer their own time and money as they see fit for
    foreign aid, that's great.
    another viewer, Jan 1, 2005
  13. another viewer

    Bill Walker Guest

    You are nothing more than a lying prick that wants to be a "player".. Usenet
    bullshit is a far cry from making a difference.. Until your fat ass is
    exposed, all you will do is paw dirt and beller.. Then you will tape out
    your name tag and piss on yourself. I'm not finished with you, yet..
    turd..Get yourself a deep seat somewhere.. it's gonna be a long ride...
    Bill Walker, Jan 1, 2005
  14. I've already expressed my position of not having interest in the tsunami
    and am not donating to it. It is only the most recent of major
    disasters that occupy the news and popular culture for a while and then
    is forgetten as something else comes along to occupy the mass mind set.

    Domestic problems, as previously described in my other posts, have a
    much higher priority to me.

    Of all the people who are promoting tsunami relief, only one has
    actually donated themselves, that being Morgan. Good for him, everyone
    else just gives lip service.
    another viewer, Jan 1, 2005
  15. another viewer

    Bill Walker Guest

    aaaahhhhh.... that is so commendable.. I am suitably impressed... hmmm...
    Now.. just which of those domestic issues are you addressing and what action
    are you taking to redress them ??
    Bill Walker, Jan 1, 2005
  16. another viewer

    Bill Walker Guest

    Nope.. matter of fact, I commended you on that I even asked you for more
    details of just which "domestic issues" that you are actively participating
    in... So far.. no response... There's quite a few of those issues being
    addressed in the legislative session this month.. I'm sure that you will
    participate and " make a meaningful difference"... right.. sport ?
    Bill Walker, Jan 1, 2005
  17. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    And the next logical question deems: "What have *you* done for any of

    I already had the answer given...."Nope".

    The only thing you mostly do is claim you're somehow connected with a
    foundation which has no records of your existence. That's what you do.

    Once again, I'm compelled to agree with Morgan and say "you are a selfish
    prick that does not give a shit about anyone but yourself so its pointless
    to discuss this further".
    Brian Walker, Jan 1, 2005
  18. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    He didn't say he did "anything"....just what he puts priorities on.

    Of course, nothing + nothing = nothing.
    Brian Walker, Jan 1, 2005
  19. Galveston was an example that no one did come to our aid, while we, as a
    country, do tremendous amounts for others
    Cite please.
    another viewer, Jan 1, 2005
  20. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    It's nice that you whoop out the "homeless and veterans" card. I guess when
    bringing up the hurricanes that killed 6 and destroyed a few uninsured
    resorts didn't sway anyone to your generosity, then you had to go to the
    next step.

    Keep it. We all know how far you'll go to help others.
    Brian Walker, Jan 1, 2005
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