Dead battery/bike acting up situation FIXED!

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by Phil, Squid-in-Training, Mar 28, 2006.

  1. It was the battery. The lights don't flicker anymore, the bike starts up,
    all cylinders are firing... this baby is ready to go.

    I think a trickle-charger is going to be my next investment.

    Can such a charger overcharge on trickle mode? Or are they designed not to
    do that?
    Phil, Squid-in-Training, Mar 28, 2006
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  2. Just for reference, the old battery was at 11.94V and discharged quickly
    when a turn signal I had laying around was connected, down to <10V within a
    minute. The new one was at 12.4V.
    Phil, Squid-in-Training, Mar 28, 2006
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  3. Phil, Squid-in-Training

    fweddybear Guest

    Sounds great there Phil!!! I knew all your troubles would go away once
    you put in the new battery.... I myself am waiting for one on my old
    As far as getting a trickle charger, make sure it is the kind that shuts
    off once charged and goes back on only when needed. I kept mine hooked up
    most of the winter (my other ride had it hooked up the other part of the
    winter). I started the ol honda every few weeks, but by mid Feb., even that
    couldn't keep the battery charged. So the new one is on order and shold be
    in sometime this week, which is great since it is just starting to get into
    the 50's nowadays. The charger run anywhere from ( i am guessing) 40 bucks
    to 80 bucks.... i forgot what i paid for mine.. think it was somewhere
    around 50 or so.... you won't need it that much in the warmer weather

    fweddybear, Mar 28, 2006
  4. In addition to addressing a dying battery, I happened to read this bit from
    a.m.s a year back...


    It seems that I should probably check all my electrics when I install the
    following battery tender quick-mounts:

    They have a full warranty and everything, so I'm confident it was a good

    Thanks for all the tips, especially the "don't ride the bike when it's
    electrics are dying" tip!
    Phil, Squid-in-Training, Mar 28, 2006
  5. Definitely a good idea to check the charging path

    alternator to rectifier (+regulator ?) to battery

    including the ground connections.

    The other question is whether you've overloaded it with add-on crap.

    If you've got clean solid connections and not a whole bunch of
    stuff you should be fine. Good job checking out the voltage drop on the
    one. If new one's fillable, remember to check it and fill as needed.
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Mar 29, 2006
  6. I shall.
    I haven't added on anything, but I did find a little Vance and Hines
    PowerPak box that had wires coming out. I'm guessing it's for ignition
    retard or advance or something... I really have no idea.
    I figure that topping it off with my incoming battery tender that things
    will be fine overall. I figure it's cheap insurance for any slightly
    deficient power paths somewhere in the bike.
    Both old and new were totally sealed... I didn't fancy the idea of acid
    getting everywhere if it tipped over or anything.
    Phil, Squid-in-Training, Mar 30, 2006
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