
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Véritable Rosbif, Feb 11, 2005.

  1. 'Jour à tous!

    I thought it was time to say hello. I have been lurking here for a while,
    and have decided that [in the light of recent events] it is safe to put my
    nose round the door of my beloved UKRM - the only newsgroup which makes
    worth living. I look forward to correcting you all about everything, all
    the time, on subjects about which I know [variously] everything, lots,
    little or nothing.

    So, Champ has gone to Russia. TOG has gone, perhaps, maybe, maybe not, miss
    you already, hurry back. Bear appears from his sig to have stopped
    listening to anything. Whinger's been binned. Auvache is as sunny as ever.
    Cab and Ace speak excellent French, by the way. I was introduced to the
    delights of UKRM by a French [pah!] <copain> in Paris. Is he still here?

    <The Producers mode>

    Desmond. Ach, now zere was a man. Desmond was a better dresser than Bear, a
    better painter than Bear, he had more hair, he told funnier jokes, and he
    could dance the pants off of Bear. Very few people knew it, but Desmond was
    a terrific dancer. He was also a fabulous painter. He could do an entire
    apartment in one afternoon! Two coats!


    Anyway, I look forward to hanging around here, putting you straight and -
    not least - correcting your lamentable command of English. You see, my
    father was French, and my mother was from la Suisse Romande. The scientist
    who 'introduced' them to each other in a bottle, he was from Guadeloupe.
    The lady who found the baby that was me, in a handbag ['a HAND-bag?'] with a
    couple of heads of chicory and a half-smoked packet of Boyars, dressed only
    in a stripey top and a Prisunic nappy, behind the ticket kiosk of the Eiffel
    Tower, was Senegalese. She was the only child of a Belgian/Luxembourgeois
    liaison. Her husband had been born in Vietnam in 1935, and after he died
    she married my wonderful stepfather, who is a monoglot Canadian from rural
    Quebec. I was educated in New Caledonia and Pasquale Paoli University in
    Corsica, where I studied French. I did my doctorate at the Sorbonne in Late
    Renaissance Orthography of the Southern Gironde. So, you see, that means
    that once I became naturalised here, I could claim to be completely English.

    Gaston Pierre la Vachequirit - gpvachequirit [chez] yahoo [point] fr
    Le seul vrai Anglais d'UKRM en Angleterre
    Béhème R-1100RS
    MDADSD #1 [1]

    [1] Motards du A272
    Véritable Rosbif, Feb 11, 2005
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  2. Véritable Rosbif

    Monz Guest

    Eyup Des, nice break?
    Monz, Feb 11, 2005
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  3. Véritable Rosbif

    Ace Guest

    Is this a frog?
    Ace, Feb 11, 2005
  4. Véritable Rosbif

    Maid oi larf.
    steve auvache, Feb 11, 2005
  5. Véritable Rosbif

    CT Guest

    CT, Feb 11, 2005
  6. Aha, I know who you are. You're the fat, poor one who drives a banged-out
    Sierra 1.3, aren't you!

    A greeting like yours makes me feel so 'at home' here, which is what it's
    all about, really, isn't it! It makes me feel all tingly and loved, it
    does. Thank you, Ken. So, it's only fair to reciprocate in kind:

    **** off, you pikey ****. I'm fucking English, and I've got the fucking
    certificate to prove it.
    Véritable Rosbif, Feb 11, 2005
  7. Véritable Rosbif

    darsy Guest


    much funnier than the real Des.

    darsy, Feb 11, 2005
  8. Yopla, Ace -

    Course it fucking isn't. Don't you read, mate? Read the fucking sig line.
    C'est une lapalissade, espèce de couillon!

    Véritable Rosbif, Feb 11, 2005
  9. Véritable Rosbif

    flash Guest

    It would probably be more in character if you pretended *not* to have a
    flash, Feb 11, 2005
  10. Véritable Rosbif

    Dan White Guest

    Dan White, Feb 11, 2005
  11. Véritable Rosbif

    Cab Guest

    I don't think so. Not the faux-frog anyway. It's posted from a UK IP
    addy. Unless that twat has gone back to the UK.

    Plus since when did Des have a R-1100RS?
    Cab, Feb 11, 2005
  12. Véritable Rosbif

    CT Guest

    Being a 'Ampshire boy, I have some great memories of the A272
    from my youth. It's a cracking road but I haven't ridden any great
    stretch of it for years. I must "do" it again next time I'm down that
    CT, Feb 11, 2005
  13. Véritable Rosbif

    Cab Guest

    bad form, ya-da-ya-da, but I reckon it's Toby or Grimley.

    Which ever one it is, he's a ****. :)
    Cab, Feb 11, 2005
  14. Véritable Rosbif

    Dan White Guest

    It's a bit odd - some of it has been shellgripped and it's loverly, and in
    other places the top surface of the tarmac is crumbling away and is badly in
    need of re-dressing. I suspect they only repair the sections where there's
    the biggest risk of a bin.
    Dan White, Feb 11, 2005
  15. Véritable Rosbif

    CT Guest

    Dan White wrote:
    [of the A272]
    It's not a Hampshire vs. West Sussex thing?
    CT, Feb 11, 2005
  16. Ah, then what you need is "A272. An Ode to a Road", a book by Pieter
    Boogaart. The Bogaarts are a Dutch couple who are besotted with the 272.
    The book is a wierd evocation of the whole 90-odd miles of it, with bits and
    bobs of history, geography, geology, sights, curios, pubs and so on all the
    way from East to West. It's the old 'more English than the English' thing
    with which I identify so readily.
    Véritable Rosbif, Feb 11, 2005
  17. But perhaps I am pretending not to pretend not to not have an iBike, or
    possibly not.
    Véritable Rosbif, Feb 11, 2005
  18. Véritable Rosbif

    Dave A Guest

    I do Billingshurst to Midhurst once a week. I don't think I've ever managed
    the whole stretch without at least one major **** up......
    Dave A, Feb 11, 2005
  19. Véritable Rosbif

    CT Guest

    I remember just after I got my Z1100R in '86 getting an *almighty*
    tankslapper on the way into Midhurst on a downhill bendy bit.
    My mate on a Z550 went round the outside of me while I was
    trying to regain control - the ****!
    I nearly shat myself at the time, too. New tyres sorted the handling
    CT, Feb 11, 2005
  20. I remember just passing Petworth park heading towards Midhurst getting a
    very big tankslapper too.

    I was two up and my front tyre had punctured. It was a bit scary bringing
    the plot to a halt from, oh at least 40 mph.

    Velocette Vipers were not that quick but you could enjoy those A272 bends
    much more back in the 60's with less traffic. I could even outrun a plods
    Triumph Saint though when he gave chase...
    Biker2 \(Threadstopper\), Feb 11, 2005
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