Daytona 1, R1 2 :((((

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by WavyDavy, Apr 17, 2004.

  1. WavyDavy

    Eddie Guest

    How primitive.
    Well, introducing some slack should have the effect of moving the
    bite-point closer to the bar, but will obviously also introduce free
    play, which you don't really want.

    Ummm... you might be able to adjust the bite point by playing about with
    the doo-hickey on the wotsit. You know... thingy. Have you got a Haynes
    Eddie, Apr 18, 2004
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  2. WavyDavy

    Christofire Guest

    Oh I plan to. I'll have to have a look around and see who's about.
    Christofire, Apr 18, 2004
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  3. WavyDavy

    Christofire Guest

    Really? Time to get good at soldering then. Do you remember where it
    Christofire, Apr 18, 2004
  4. WavyDavy

    Christofire Guest

    Yes. I found that if I adjusted it at the engine end to where I wanted
    it, it created a lot of slack in the lever. Adjusting at the lever end
    to take up the slack moved it back again.
    No Haynes manual yet. I did look at the whirly bit, but I decided it
    was beyond my knowledge, so didn't touch it.
    Christofire, Apr 18, 2004
  5. WavyDavy

    Wik Guest

    It's a fucking shitload; 63 would be a tad more realistic...

    Still, I stand to be corrected.
    | Wik -UKRMHRC#10- 2003 R1150GSA -DC#1 -'FOT#0 'FOF #39 - BOD#12 BOB#12
    |# You don't believe me | "Experience is the worst teacher.
    |That the scenery | It always gives the test first
    |Could be a cold-blooded killer. | and the instruction afterward."
    ***** human response from wik at blueyonder dot co dot uk *****
    Wik, Apr 18, 2004
  6. WavyDavy

    Eddie Guest

    Well, duh.
    Ah, yes: whirly bit. That was the technical term I was grasping for.
    Eddie, Apr 18, 2004
  7. WavyDavy

    Zymurgy Guest

    Is this the same can as you had on at the BH ?
    Ho Yuss, I came past the BH at 8k, and topped it out at 9.5k on the overtake.
    What and miss the fruity exhaust sound. Sounded good from where I was sitting...


    Zymurgy, Apr 19, 2004
  8. WavyDavy

    WavyDavy Guest

    Do I look like I could ever be arsed to lift a spanner in the general
    direction of a bike? Yes its the same one...

    Wuss... There was another 1000rpm to play with!

    Sounds nice *on* the bike, but next to it just made me think of those WWII
    films where 20 Messerschmitts peel in and scream down onto the plucky Brit
    heroes..... :)

    WavyDavy, Apr 19, 2004
  9. WavyDavy

    Wik Guest

    It takes about five minutes to do; that's two minutes to get the seats
    off, a minute to "zap" it and another two minutes to put the seat back on.

    Most good dealers will not charge for it if you don't mind waiting around
    until they've got a free five minutes assuming it's a job in isolation and
    not being done at service time. Given it's almost the exact same
    procedure to check the ECU for faults then it sounds like a bit of a
    cheeky dealer. Are they a solus Triumph outfit?

    I was never charged for it...
    Ahh, the latter bit is pretty much true about them all doing it; mine
    succumbed to a lump hammer and some scaffold pole when it was in JLs
    'cause Chris there said "Fucking hell! That's blowing a bit /too/ much!"
    and fixed it. He also jubilee-clipped some new springs onto the join
    where the lugs had broken off.
    Mmm...Cable clutch, so he's prolly right. S'pose the cable could be
    shagged or the actuating arm...Don't know, mind.

    Incidentally, I've still got a pukka Triumph service manual and giant
    socket (for the rear wheel) sitting in the drawer if someone wants to make
    me an offer...

    | Wik -UKRMHRC#10- 2003 R1150GSA -DC#1 -'FOT#0 'FOF #39 - BOD#12 BOB#12
    |# You don't believe me | "Experience is the worst teacher.
    |That the scenery | It always gives the test first
    |Could be a cold-blooded killer. | and the instruction afterward."
    ***** human response from wik at blueyonder dot co dot uk *****
    Wik, Apr 19, 2004
  10. WavyDavy

    Wik Guest

    Heh, see my other post...
    | Wik -UKRMHRC#10- 2003 R1150GSA -DC#1 -'FOT#0 'FOF #39 - BOD#12 BOB#12
    |# You don't believe me | "Experience is the worst teacher.
    |That the scenery | It always gives the test first
    |Could be a cold-blooded killer. | and the instruction afterward."
    ***** human response from wik at blueyonder dot co dot uk *****
    Wik, Apr 19, 2004
  11. WavyDavy

    Christofire Guest


    I'll email you later today when I've a bit more time, but I want to get
    my bagsy in first.
    Christofire, Apr 19, 2004
  12. WavyDavy

    Fr Jack Guest

    The varlet known as Wik did proclaim to all assembled:

    Orrell motorcycles? Nope, they have the Triumph dealership in a separate
    They call it the Northwest Triumph centre. Worst prices and shittiest
    deals I've ever found. The sales git is just that - no actual interest
    in bikes, just money "they sell themselves, mate". He didn't (and never
    will) get my business.
    Even if this mob didn't charge, I wouldn't trust em to get it right -
    they'd find some way to blow the "brain". Useless, they are!
    Fr Jack, Apr 19, 2004
  13. WavyDavy

    Pip Guest

    Well, generic cable clutch adjustment, innit. Down at the clutch
    housing end is an adjuster - this is your coarse adjustment. Up at
    the lever is another adjuster - the fine adjustment. Wind away at
    them until you find something that suits, really. You'll want a bit
    of slack/free play in the cable to give you a bite point closer to the
    bar - alternatively check to see if there is a span-adjustable lever
    available for the Daytona.
    Pip, Apr 29, 2004
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