
Discussion in 'Motorcycle Racing' started by R P, Mar 14, 2005.

  1. R P

    R P Guest

    If the AMA is going to continue down-sizing,'s going to end up
    racing mini-bikes at the local super-market parking lot.

    Down size the track, down size the motorcycles,to 600s formerly
    f/xtreme,which used to be the high hp class,but allow 750 twins of
    ducati,& 1000 twins of harley/buell?? whats up with that? in a race
    that's supposed t be the premiere SBK race of the season.
    Damn I'm corn-fused

    And two questions
    Why are Yamaha,&Kawasaki shying away?
    And is Honda that afraid of Suzuki?

    Then to say that Mugel's win ties that of Russell's? not in my book.
    R P, Mar 14, 2005
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  2. R P

    Julian Bond Guest

    I think middleweight SB just isn't nasty enough to be the premier class.
    In AMA. And Honda isn't in SS1000 or SS600 because they're not
    competitive when that close to stock.
    I think Yamaha and Kawasaki US are too chickenshit to take part.
    There's nothing wrong with having:-
    SB - Main Event
    600FX (or WSS600) - Support event
    1000ss - Privateers
    600ss - Novices

    But this needs to be clearly signposted by the organisers that that's
    how the 4 classes stack up and that's what they're intended to be. The
    problem is the ambiguous way that the 2 SS classes are promoted and that
    the factories are allowed to be involved. Perhaps key to this was that
    FX was presented as a new development whereas really it's an evolution
    from the old 600ss. Perhaps they should have downgraded 600ss when 600FX
    was introduced.

    Julian Bond Email&MSM: at
    Personal WebLog:
    M: +44 (0)77 5907 2173 T: +44 (0)192 0412 433
    S: callto://
    Julian Bond, Mar 14, 2005
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