Dave Corden training - space available June 19/20

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by dwb, May 24, 2004.

  1. Good fun and good training helps you improve.
    Good fun and good value when you consider it is giving you skills to
    help you survive on our overcrowded and sometimes dangerous roads.

    The trainers are top blokes who know their trade. I think £150 for a
    weekend is actually cheap given how good the course is.
    Paul Corfield, May 24, 2004
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  2. dwb

    SP Guest

    Yep. You can never know enough not to continue learning (if that makes
    I would be surprised if you failed to learn anything.
    Being a liability on the roads cos he's too much of a riding god to try
    and improve his skills, no doubt.

    CBR600 FW
    SBS#11[with oak-leaf cluster]
    BONY#54P BOB#18
    Real burds don't take hormones, they rage naturally

    Un-cork me to reply
    SP, May 24, 2004
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  3. dwb

    serf Guest

    Indeed. <BG>
    serf, May 24, 2004
  4. dwb

    wessie Guest

    Champ wrote in
    You can get one as part of this

    I did it several years ago. The assessed ride took place through the Forest
    of Dean and is done by Police Class I riders on company bikes. Whilst I may
    not be the fastest rider I was reassured that I ride safely for the conditions.

    If you do not want to do the 2 day course ask them for a list of
    places where they will be offering observed rides (they sometimes spend a
    weekend at Bransons and attend various shows throughout the summer).

    Riding along at 90mph with a multi-coloured BMW visible in your mirrors is
    a surreal experience.
    wessie, May 28, 2004
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