From reading previous posts on this subject I am not convinced that datatagging a bike is all its cracked up to be, ie does it really make the your bike less likely to get nicked? But either which way, it can't do any harm. My question is how easy is it to datatag a bike? I know that you get 5 transponders, 12 stencils and a pot of datadots, but where are you supposed to put them? I understand that you can fit the transponders in places like the inside of the wheel rims but surely without having the wheels off and tyres removed this can't be done, and I don't really want to have to go to all that trouble on an immaculate 2003 bike. The other thing I don't like about the datatagging is have the DAT number splashed across everything, such as the fairings, mirror glasses and lenses, but obviously if you don't put the stencils on then your are losing the point of buying the kit. I might sound like I'm talking myself out of doing this but any opinons about datatagging are welcome.