Datatag transponders.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by T i m, Mar 3, 2009.

  1. T i m

    T i m Guest

    I recently bought an old Yamaha Majesty 250 off a Mate who has been
    running it for about 5 years.

    Whilst going over it I noticed some of the plastics were Datatagged so
    filled in their on-line change of owner form with Vehicle reg and
    chassis number etc (he didn't have it done nor had any paperwork etc).

    I received a reply stating that they could find no mention on their
    database and that I should get the transponder numbers scanned by my
    local Police and update them with that info.

    So, (ignoring the value or not of Datatag) the possibilities I can
    think of could include:

    1) The panels in question were taken from another bike at some point
    and this one isn't actually Datatagged.

    2) The Datatag was properly fitted but never registered.

    3) Datatag lost the information.

    4) It's a ringer and I'll get arrested on the spot. ;-(

    So, would my local Police station be likely to have a scanner (I've
    heard stories that they don't) and more importantly would they be
    interested in running said over my bike do you think? If not how could
    I get it checked please?

    Cheers, T i m

    p.s. I'm not convinced that having Datatag, a Datatool alarm or an
    F-off big chain has as much impact on insurance premiums as the fact
    that I'm very old and with a clean licence? It probably has even less
    bearing when I'm TP only (the latter 2 features might just stop the
    kids taking it).
    T i m, Mar 3, 2009
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  2. T i m

    T i m Guest

    Nor am I, however *if* it stops some toe-rag taking my stuff or makes
    it more difficult for them to dispose of then I'll turn a blind eye
    (and I'm not suggesting it actually offers much or any real protection
    So do most of my bikes (to some) and if you saw me you'd realise that
    would be the least of my worries.
    Well it's too late AFA the bike markings are concerned and I'm only
    interested in making use of the system if someone else has gone to the
    trouble and cost of putting it on.

    At least a Datatag can't go off when you knock yer own bike! ;-)

    Cheers, T i m
    T i m, Mar 3, 2009
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  3. T i m

    Steve Parry Guest

    But your average scrote will nick it with or without datatag as they just
    want to raz it around the streets or fields until it's fucked at which point
    it'll be abandoned or torched

    Steve Parry
    BMW R80RS, 03 BMW R1100S Boxercup, 07 K1200GT SE
    95 BMW F650, 87 Yamaha FS1, Sukida SK90PY, 91 Kawasaki AR50,
    BMW 330Ci
    Steve Parry, Mar 3, 2009
  4. T i m

    gazz Guest

    wonder if there are different frequency chips for different applications, or
    they are all the same, and they just pop up a number which when entered into
    the correct database gives the rest of the info.....

    thinking along the lines of a dog microchip scanner might work, but don't
    have a go at me if it does work, and datatag tell you your bike in a mongrel
    bitch called fluffy.
    gazz, Mar 3, 2009
  5. T i m

    T i m Guest

    I know, but in this case they will have to get past the f-off chain(s)
    and the Datatool before they can rag it anywhere (and I'm not saying
    they can't get past either but it all helps). I believe even keeping
    it covered helps keep the interest down.

    Plus they aren't likely to steal it for spares as it's not a Gilera
    Runner (or whatever the lads want as Peds these days) but I'm not
    looking to put Datatag on, I'm looking to see if it's been Datatagged.

    Cheers, T i m
    T i m, Mar 3, 2009
  6. T i m

    T i m Guest

    Ooo, now there's a good thought! (especially as I have a Vet friend).
    I wouldn't (it's a Yam Maj 250). ;-)

    Cheers, T i m
    T i m, Mar 3, 2009
  7. <snip>

    Did you check the engine and chassis numbers, and verify them against
    the V5 before parting with your money?

    If not, why not?

    If not, do it now.
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 3, 2009
  8. T i m

    T i m Guest

    Not in the flesh, only against the MOT doc (which presumably would be
    done in the flesh (if genuine))?
    Because the seller is a good mate (not that that proves / changes
    anything I know but ... ).
    I will when it stops raining and get's lighter!

    Cheers, T i m
    T i m, Mar 3, 2009
  9. Chassis number, yes, should be OK. Not always, though.
    Makes no odds, Almost all the ringers I've seen - the owner has been
    oblivious, because they never checked and nor did their predecessor.
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 4, 2009
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