DataTag 4 Alarm, any good ?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by BORG, Feb 26, 2007.

  1. BORG

    BORG Guest

    CN do a decent deal on fitting these alarms, are they any good though.
    Anyone here used them ?


    XJ900 Trike ** GS850 Trike
    XV1000 TR1 Chop ** XLH1200 Sporty Chop

    [Rot 13 it]
    BORG, Feb 26, 2007
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  2. BORG

    darsy Guest

    no alarms are "good". Some are worse than others.
    darsy, Feb 26, 2007
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  3. BORG

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    You'll get the usual barrage from those that hate alarms (1) but I've
    had no problems with any alarm or immobiliser fitted to a bike. If
    it's fitted correctly and you keep the bike on an Optimate when it's
    not in use then you should be ok.

    While I accept that many people will ignore the sound of an alarm
    going off it's nice that if I hear an alarm going off at home I can
    select a carving knife from the kitchen drawer and go postal on
    whoever is fucking with one of the bikes rather than just finding it
    missing when I open the garage door.

    (1) For every 5 people out there who've had a problem you need to ask
    how many alarms have been sold and used without a problem. I'd be
    surprised if the percentage of real problems even ran as high as 0.5%
    of the number of alarms sold.
    Andy Bonwick, Feb 26, 2007
  4. BORG

    Simes Guest

    That dear old chap, Andy tugged on his pipefull of old shag and said:
    I have to say I tend to agree - never had a problem with an alarm or
    immobiliser - not even a flat battery - but I don't leave the bike
    unused for months on end.

    I suspect that you get what you pay for (and no more) in terms of both
    the quality and robustness of the alarm as well as the fitting.
    Simes, Feb 26, 2007
  5. BORG

    Hog Guest

    I've had/fitted various sorts. I'd personally stay clear of
    Datatool/Spyball etc. They are complex, if they fail they immobilise you
    all the way to a workshop. I found the units and the fobs prone to some
    failures. Regular false alarms. Battery draining can be a problem. They
    are *incredibly* expensive.

    The units I liked were Solalarm. They were a fraction of the cost but I
    see the 835T has been hiked somewhat, probably as the competition are so
    much more. It's a good unit though. They do an 840 around £55 though.

    I believe there is another affordable range, "Accumen"?, no experience
    of them though.

    I've just ordered a Xena XN18 alarmed disk lock (and the "Claw" chain
    holder). Nice loud alarm, easy to fit/remove. Visible. Hard enough to
    remove for the amateur scrote. £90 from HG.

    Hog, Feb 26, 2007
  6. Hog wrote
    I have a mid range one on the Bloo GS, it has not given me any problems.

    Which is more than I can say for the high end all singing a;; dancing
    Thatcham approved thing that goes off, or doesn't as the case my be,
    when it wants to that is fitted to the Red 7/8GS.
    steve auvache, Feb 26, 2007
  7. BORG

    BORG Guest

    In the deal you get
    Datatool S4 Alarm Imob
    Optimiser Charger
    Datatool Electronic tagging kit
    Oxford ground Anchor
    Oxford hardcore chain and lock

    £349 fitted at home

    XJ900 Trike ** GS850 Trike
    XV1000 TR1 Chop ** XLH1200 Sporty Chop

    [Rot 13 it]
    BORG, Feb 26, 2007
  8. BORG

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    How much discount do you get on your insurance for having that lot?

    If you get even 10% and multiply it by 5 then it can be a reasonable
    saving on the initial cost. My insurance with CN is £300 per year so
    even if I took the renewal figure as remaining the same I'd be getting
    £150 off over the next 5 years.

    If you haven't already got any of the above then the price is
    competitive but only if you really want them all.
    Andy Bonwick, Feb 26, 2007
  9. BORG

    Bryan Guest

    Got one on my new gixxer as it's the Suzuki approved / standard alarm.
    It gave me some gyp for false alarms in the beginning and got taken
    back to the friendly dealer who duly sorted it out - dodgy batch of
    somethings from the supplier they said - it's been good as gold

    It does seem to go into a sort of stroppy hibernation mode if left for
    more than a couple of weeks where it will ignore the remote until you
    move it or turn it on - then the alarm goes off but can be stopped
    with the remote.

    I don't think that it's likely to stop anyone nicking the bike but my
    insco seemed pleased that it had one. I suspect that once the value of
    the bike comes down and it no longer matters that I will get the thing

    I guess it might discourage theft from a public carpark. Maybe. Not
    convinced though.
    Bryan, Feb 26, 2007
  10. BORG

    BORG Guest

    well so for

    EBike £217 with breakdown cover

    CN £360 ditto

    Bikesure £400 ditto

    XJ900 Trike ** GS850 Trike
    XV1000 TR1 Chop ** XLH1200 Sporty Chop

    [Rot 13 it]
    BORG, Feb 26, 2007
  11. BORG

    Hog Guest

    CN were talking £10 discounts for alarms a few years ago so I haven't
    bothered. The Xena is for my own convenience and peace of mind.
    Hog, Feb 26, 2007
  12. BORG

    Beav Guest

    I had a "Laser" on the Zed, but it went and died onme for no obvious reason
    (vibration probably). As it had an in-built immobiliser, I had a bit of
    trouble getting the bike running, so it had to come off.
    Trouble is, you can end up with a criminal record at least by arming
    yourself with a kitchen knofe. And using it, of course. I did exactly that
    when I was 15 and it was purely down to my age that I "got away with it". I
    doubt I'd do it again anyway.
    It's that kind of thinking that's made me look for another, more reliable
    system. I hate just walking away from my bike knowing there's no defences in
    operation other than the poxy steering lock. I've just not found "the one"

    I'd be
    Given the number of blokes I know who have taken alarms off bikes, and the
    numbers that my pal at the alarm installer I used has taken off, I reckon
    it's a bit higher, but who really knows. I still want one again.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Feb 26, 2007
  13. BORG

    Beav Guest

    I'd say that generally, the "offers" on bikes fitted with alarms are nothing
    but bullshit. When I first got quoted for the Zed I told the tart I had an
    alarm but whasn't sure which one, so she quoted me for an unalarmed bike.
    When I rang back with the name and model of the alarm (approved by them
    too) she told me there was no price difference.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Feb 26, 2007
  14. BORG

    Pip Luscher Guest

    I've never had alarm or immobiliser problems where it's gone wrong,
    but I have had several occasions where I've had to jump start a bike
    or run inside to grab a different bike's keys.

    This year I'm organized and have optimate leads on the two bikes that
    give trouble[1].

    [1] One doesn't have an alarm but still draws enough current to drain
    the battery, especially as the battery is about due for replacement.
    Pip Luscher, Feb 26, 2007
  15. BORG

    BORG Guest

    Interesting, although the insurance side doesn't bother me I want to
    try and stop it being stolen.

    XJ900 Trike ** GS850 Trike
    XV1000 TR1 Chop ** XLH1200 Sporty Chop

    [Rot 13 it]
    BORG, Feb 27, 2007
  16. BORG

    Beav Guest

    I expected a token nod at the fact that I had an alarm, but it wasn't the
    case, but on the "stop it being stolen" front I'm not convinced an alrm that
    simply makes a noise is a deterrent these days. If the alarm stops the bike
    starting, then it's a better bet but they're the ones that stop you getting
    going when they **** up.

    You'll be fine anyway :)


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Mar 1, 2007
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