Can anyone recomend a good web site that goes through what an instructor is looking for when they are testing you for your das?? (searched for some, but most seem to bring up twatty driving simulators.. i mean come on, do people really expect to pass their test by playing a driving game then expecting it to be like that in the real world :) i'm doing my das next week, and i've picked up a bit from doing my cbt the other week.. things like the instructor will be looking for you being in the centre of the lane when going round a corner.. rather than the more usefull get to one side and apex it... apparantly the middle of the lane thing shows you can controll the bike round corners properly, he'll want to see me moving 3 foot out from any parked cars... something i am working on.. been driving a big motorhome for too long.. i will squeeze that through places car drivers wouldent go.. and i'll get within wing mirror distance from a parked car if i have to.. thinking they'll come off worse if they open the door on me :).. but that's not a good thing to do on a bike.. neither is forcing the boy racers to give way at the roundabout in town that's always blocked up. I know i'll be taught all this on my training days, but i'd like to learn as much as i can before then.. and practice on my 125 over the next week, so hopefully the das training days will just be breaking any bad habits i've got into and polishing up owt i'm not that good on.