Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by tony f, Jan 22, 2006.

  1. tony f

    tony f Guest

    Passed an accident this morning. Bike down. 4WD being pushed onto tow
    vehicle. Screens in place around ambulance.

    Apparently it was a fatality. >:^(

    *Looks* to me like a typical SMIDSY. 4WD was coming out of cross street onto
    highway. Bike appears to have been travelling on highway. Cnr Great Western
    Highway and Ross St, Glenbrook.

    Shit. Yeah, I'm angry.

    Tony F
    tony f, Jan 22, 2006
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  2. tony f

    JL Guest


    JL, Jan 23, 2006
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  3. tony f

    Uncle Bully Guest

    There was a motorbike/4WD drive fatality on the News tonight. Can't remember
    the town but it started with G...
    Uncle Bully, Jan 23, 2006
  4. 5 minutes from my place, it's a shit intersection to get out of, I know it
    well. Not saying that means its OK not to look first etc...

    Alan Pennykid, Jan 23, 2006
  5. tony f

    Rocatanski Guest

    Tony why is it a Typical SMIDSY involving a 4WD, I ride and I also drive a
    4WD so I get bashed on both sides. The other day I looked to see a bike a
    long way up the road and in normal cases I would have had plenty of room to
    pull out, as I pulled out I looked to the left again and the bike was on top
    of me, we missed, the bike was doing about 100 kph in a 50 kph zone. I felt
    shit for coming so close to hitting another bike but I was also angry for
    the rider putting me and himself in that position in the first place. I feel
    sorry for anyone who has a crash or dies but some times we must look at
    ourselves and see if we are to problem.
    After all like car drivers not all bike riders are perfect.
    Rocatanski, Jan 23, 2006
  6. tony f

    tony f Guest

    Like I said - it "Looks* like a typical SMIDSY." I don't know, but... it's
    an 80 zone. The intersection ~100m away has traffic lights - drivers
    naturally use the reds on that intersection to pull out of the (busier)
    intersection where the accident occurred. Typically, they check that traffic
    heading down has stopped, and don't look as closely at traffic heading up.
    The rider had been heading up.

    One the way home I could see the skid marks were all painted and labelled.
    They were short. Again, it didn't *look* like they had been left behind by a
    bike moving at pace, but maybe the rider reacted late, or braked well enough
    not to skid.

    I agree that all not all riders are perfect. I've been less than perfect

    It wasn't a 4WD bashing exercise, but the other vehicle *was* a 4WD. Had it
    been a car/truck, I would have said car/truck.

    Tony F
    tony f, Jan 23, 2006
  7. tony f

    Z Guest

    If you can not judge speed of other vehicles at intersections and if it is
    safe to enter the intersection you should not be driving. I am sure if it
    was a semi trailer coming down the same road at 100km/h in a 50 you would
    not have pulled out in your 4wd. You percieve that the smaller vehicle is
    not a danger to you so you take less risk.
    Z, Jan 25, 2006
  8. tony f

    Rocatanski Guest

    Well Z looks like you are an expert, never had a close call or made a
    mistake. I wish I had your expertise, god you must be good at judging the
    speed at vehicle coming head first at you. A bike doing 50 kph covers 300
    metres in about 21.5 seconds, plenty of time to pull out and speed up, but
    doing 100 kph you cover that distance in just over 10 seconds, when the
    speed limit is 50 kph in the residential you don't expect dickheads on bikes
    or in cars or semi trailers to be doing twice the speed limit. I know some
    cafe racers ( you may be one I don't know) think it is their god given right
    to do what ever speed they like where ever they like and when they do get
    hit scream like stuck pigs about f@#&ing car drivers.

    So Z I have been driving for 29 years and riding bikes on the road for 26
    years the only accidents I have had at intersections both the other people
    were at fault, both ran red lights and both were speeding well over the
    speed limit. If you have been driving for this long I hope your record is as
    good or better, if you are not as old as me, hope you make it.
    Rocatanski, Jan 29, 2006
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