Well, he's successfully hitched now. Minx and I took the short way up on Friday (Canberra-Federal Hwy-Hume Hwy-Northern Rd-Gt Western Hwy-Katoomba), then settled in and spent all day Saturday eating, watching wedding, drinking, eating, and eating some more. Came back today via Lithgow-Oberon-Goulburn-Tarago-Bungendore, which took a little longer than the trip up. Nice ride though. It's interesting how many oases of green exist in that part of the state in amongst the dirt-and-rocks of the areas in drought. Must be due to the patchy nature of the late Summer storms. My parents' farm is one of the latter. They have enough hay left in the shed to keep their sheep and cattle alive for another couple of months. If they were buying it they'd be going through 0 every 2 days. It's making me a little gloomy. BTH