Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Elmer McKeegan, May 11, 2004.

  1. Elmer McKeegan

    Brian Walker Guest

    But the one's who broke laws of God either came back into obedience or
    they were punished...except I recall one who broke laws of man and
    laws of God, yet was said to have been God's own and God had a special
    place in his heart for him...can you name that personality?
    Brian Walker, May 22, 2004
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  2. Elmer McKeegan

    Oma Guest

    Evidently, I'm still not communicating clearly.

    Joe Schmo may consider me his adversary. Joe Schmo may think I am opposing him
    and have set myself against him -- I have not. Joe Schmo is not my reference
    point. Any adversarial aspect of the relationship is strictly from Joe Schmo's
    side. I could have been more clear, I guess, that I was talking about the side
    of the relationship that I am responsible for.
    No, I am not rejecting Joe Schmoe. It is a simple matter of recognition of
    valid authority. What does this have to do with rejecting Joe Schmoe?
    (Unless, of course, you mean I am rejecting Joe Schmoe's authority in the
    matter. That would be true, but very different.)
    I don't know whether or not Joe Schmoe is a believer.
    Not the case at all. Where did you get these ideas?
    Same with people not "following god".

    We can lump as many people as we want into as many groups as we want and it
    doesn't do away with our personal responsibility for our own actions.

    You're helping me clarify my language -- thanks.

    -- Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, May 24, 2004
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  3. Elmer McKeegan

    Oma Guest

    That was pretty good. Thanks for the grin.

    -- Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, May 24, 2004
  4. Elmer McKeegan

    Oma Guest

    "laws of man" and "laws of God".

    You probably know a lot more than I, but that is a fair description the Jesus of
    Nazareth I've heard about.

    -- Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, May 24, 2004
  5. Elmer McKeegan

    Brian Walker Guest

    Actually, I posed the riddle for the "clandestine" mason of this
    group. I guess they don't teach such things as this in their lodge.

    Who I was talking about was David. I would've figured the one claiming
    to be a mason would've snapped at it and pointed it out. I guess not

    I doubt seriously I know more than you...I just wanted to correct "Mr
    obay the laws of man says the Bible". I heard someone just the other
    day say the Bible says we are sinning if we don't eat healthy. I asked
    where it said that and the person decided they didn't want to talk
    about it anymore. I don't know where these folks get their teachings
    of the scripture from, but I can't believe there's that many churches
    with pastors, preachers and priests teaching this crap...nor can I
    believe there's that many people who won't stand up and say "where
    does it say that?".
    Brian Walker, May 25, 2004
  6. Elmer McKeegan

    Oma Guest

    On 24 May 2004 19:04:49 -0700, (Brian Walker) wrote,
    in part:

    Well of course! How could I have missed THAT? I don't think there is a more
    clear example in the whole Bible. (The kind of response I gave has gotten a
    bunch of people killed over the centuries. I'm going to have to watch that.)

    You might be surprised at how much garbage is dished out and eaten up in some
    churches. And yes, there are quite a few such.

    My experience has been that "challenging the pulpit" (especially if done
    publicly) often pulls out pretty nasty hostilities and accusations. Been going
    on a long time. Alfred North Whitehead points out that certain kinds of
    religion are for the herd and intolerant of anything else.

    -- Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, May 30, 2004
  7. Elmer McKeegan

    Bownse Guest

    Actually, most of the Old Testiment "Law" was a system teaching
    sanitation, food preparation (and types of food) to improve health in
    context of the times in which it was written. So, indirectly, their
    claim was pretty accurate.
    Bownse, May 30, 2004
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