Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Elmer McKeegan, May 11, 2004.

  1. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    Yep.. there's a whole bunch of "designer bikers" and "posers" represented in
    the 100,000.. Some of those bikers have ridden their motorcycles from as far
    away as Florida and California .. Many of the bikers ride in from many of
    our northern states as well.. A group of bikers, maybe 200 rode in from
    vaious states in Mexico.. The "designers and posers" even trailer their
    bikes to Austin.. Mostly what it depends on, is your own reason for
    attending .. some attend for the purpose of "posing" .. others attend to
    participate in the fellowship with other bikers, make new friends and visit
    with old ones..Most designers and posers avoid these kinds of rallies..
    There are various reasons for that.. The main and real reason is, the fear
    that their own stature would be diminished when they are next to a biker
    like Buddy Helscel, Big Daddy Jones, Mike Alvey, Elmer McKeeghan and so many
    others not named here.. The motorcycles at these types of rallies vary from
    Vespa's to $80,000 customs.. Every type bike and style .. The ones riding
    those bikes also vary.. Some good and some bad.. Water seeks it's own level
    and there is a place for anyone who attends.. Most importantly, everyone
    there is attending because he chose to be there.. It is hot and
    uncomfortable, for the most part.. It is also enjoyable and rewarding ..
    Depends on why you came... Personally.. I had decided to sit this one out,
    but when Buddy Helscel called me, I decided to make this ride with him.. I
    can assure one and all, that we will enjoy a rewarding weekend ..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, May 12, 2004
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  2. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    Hmmm.. Where does it say that, in the bible ? Enquiring minds want to
    know..who better to ask, than a very recent immaculate conversion scholar..
    Shall we "Group Hug" and kneel in prayer, now ?
    Bill Walker, May 12, 2004
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  3. Elmer McKeegan

    Louie Guest

    'Several', 2 feet behind, at 60mph, for 2 miles... quite a story!

    I finally got fed up with
    Louie, May 12, 2004
  4. Elmer McKeegan

    Louie Guest

    The taxpaying citizens in the immediate area don't, or did not
    appreciate some of the actions of the group in the past. They complained
    and cops had to do something...most likely a strong presence was helpful
    in keeping things in line.

    Then again I never get pulled over, I don't get smoke in my eyes, wonder

    and when was the last time the church members shit in your yard.

    Louie, May 12, 2004
  5. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL.. Some of these dudes don't even park on pavement or concrete.. I'd
    wager that most of those bikes are parked on dirt, grass or gravel..
    Bill Walker, May 12, 2004
  6. Elmer McKeegan

    Wakko Guest

    I just want to point out that Dawgs on Hawgs isn't a HOG event.
    Wakko, May 12, 2004
  7. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    Seems to be some question about the credibility of Elmer's posting.. huh,
    Louie ? Elmer will be chairing the TMRA II meeting tonight.. Why don't you
    just drop by and who knows, you might learn something and you make an
    informed decision about his creibility..instead of such an uninformed one..
    I'll even give some odds on a little wager... OK ?

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, May 12, 2004
  8. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    Guess they don't appreciate some of the actions of the group enough to
    complain, but not enough to forbid their city leaders to host such an
    event.. Generally classified as, while they are in town spending their
    money, we'll have the cops extort a little more from them.. LOL.. Next year,
    maybe the bikers in this state will boycott the bastards and let them watch
    another city host those bikers.. huh ?

    They complained
    Read the original post.. We aren't talking presence.. We're talking ambush..
    They waited outside the rally property and captured those bikers when they
    Hmmm.. I don't know.. You asked.. You answer..
    Guess that could be an apt comparison alright.. The city leaders shit in
    their own yard.. Next year.. whadya wanna bet, another little city in Texas
    will get the financial benefit of that rally..
    Bill Walker, May 12, 2004
  9. Elmer McKeegan

    Louie Guest

    oh, I believe him.. just that is unusual, and I would have reported them
    for following too closely. Yeah, I just haven't seen it in my limited
    exposure to the streets.... louie
    Louie, May 12, 2004
  10. Elmer McKeegan

    Louie Guest

    I don't go to church ....louie
    Louie, May 12, 2004
  11. Elmer McKeegan

    Louie Guest

    It almost wasn't allowed this year. The community leaders approved it at
    the last minute. I don't think Somerville, Burleson County, would lose
    any sleep over it. Some communities don't like the hassle of an event
    like that. I think it is a nice place for the event and it is good there
    are rally sites for bikers. It needs to be a two way proposition,
    neither side, local govt. or the bikers should run over the other....
    agreed? .... louie
    Louie, May 12, 2004
  12. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL.. I was wondering if you were going to "catch" that one..
    Bill Walker, May 12, 2004
  13. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    Did you read the response to this post, where I addressed that issue between
    Austin city government and the organizers of the ROT rally.. Being hosted by
    a city like Austin for a biker congested weekend is a big responsiblity for
    everyone.. When it is handled the way law eforcement handles that one, the
    bikers leave town with a good feeling.. And they'll go back, I'm sure.. If a
    town doesn't want the biker rally, why'd they host it.. Bet none of them
    closed the doors or expressed disregard for the money those bikers brought
    with them..
    Bill Walker, May 12, 2004
  14. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    Not too worry.. Several real publications were there and they seemed to have
    photographed the event pretty well.. Sure wouldn't like to be a part of
    corrupting upstanding characters.. The sanctimonius Texdays comes to mind..
    First time he announced "Group Hug" and commenced quoting the bible, they'd
    be looking for a pole..ROTFL
    Bill Walker, May 12, 2004
  15. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    It happened to me while I was about 20 miles east of Laredo and headed
    west.. I had a two up with me and when I got into Laredo, I stopped in the
    middle of the street, got off my bike and walked back to the patrol car..
    The DPS officer got out of the car and met me .. I asked how I could help
    him and he commenced to sputter a bit..Then he asked if it was my
    motorcycle.. I told him yes and asked how I could help him, again.. He
    mumbled something about getting a report of a stolen bike that fitted the
    description of mine...That cop never asked for any identification from me or
    for the bike.. When I started laughing at his silly ass, he turned and got
    back in his car.. I decided to rub his nose in it, just a bit.. I said..
    "wait a minute.. I need some directions, buddy".. I asked where the nearest
    bridge to cross the border was located and the easiest way to get to it.. I
    knew.. He knew and the other bikers with me KNEW.. He was busted...
    Bill Walker, May 12, 2004
  16. Elmer McKeegan

    Brian Walker Guest

    Sounds more like the "taxpaying citizens" should be more "active" in
    what the "taxpaid city" allows to host.
    Sounds to me like if the "taxpaying citizens" would stop calling the
    police on the "taxpaying bikers" for nothing more than attending a
    lawful rally which was approved by the city, the "taxpaying bikers"
    wouldn't be shitting in the "taxpaying citizens" yard.

    Seems you're more pissed off that you didn't win the Harley or get
    laid. You weren't even allowed to have your picture taken with the 6'
    penis...oh wait...was that you they were having their picture taken
    Brian Walker, May 13, 2004
  17. Elmer McKeegan

    Brian Walker Guest

    Sounds more like the "taxpaying citizens" should be more "active" in
    what the "taxpaid city" allows to host.
    Sounds to me like if the "taxpaying citizens" would stop calling the
    police on the "taxpaying bikers" for nothing more than attending a
    lawful rally which was approved by the city, the "taxpaying bikers"
    wouldn't be shitting in the "taxpaying citizens" yard.

    Seems you're more pissed off that you didn't win the Harley or get
    laid. You weren't even allowed to have your picture taken with the 6'
    penis...oh wait...was that you they were having their picture taken
    Brian Walker, May 13, 2004
  18. Elmer McKeegan

    Brian Walker Guest

    That's nice. I guess that since you've never been profiled for crime
    that it doesn't happen? I guess that because you've never been pulled
    over on your way home from work and pulled over by the police because
    you have a NRA sticker on your truck and they arrest you for
    weapons...which is found in court to be a violation of civil rights
    and was an unlawful arrest....that it doesn't happen?

    I guess because you're never pulled over from a lawful public highway
    to check for current insurance and/or helmet requirements...that it
    doesn't happen?

    It's nice that nothing ever happens to you. We'll all remember that
    when you're back in here complaining that someone "harrassed" you or
    your friend.

    Did you ever find those email messages I sent you? Of course you
    Brian Walker, May 13, 2004
  19. Elmer McKeegan

    Brian Walker Guest

    That's nice. I guess that since you've never been profiled for crime
    that it doesn't happen? I guess that because you've never been pulled
    over on your way home from work and pulled over by the police because
    you have a NRA sticker on your truck and they arrest you for
    weapons...which is found in court to be a violation of civil rights
    and was an unlawful arrest....that it doesn't happen?

    I guess because you're never pulled over from a lawful public highway
    to check for current insurance and/or helmet requirements...that it
    doesn't happen?

    It's nice that nothing ever happens to you. We'll all remember that
    when you're back in here complaining that someone "harrassed" you or
    your friend.

    Did you ever find those email messages I sent you? Of course you
    Brian Walker, May 13, 2004
  20. Elmer McKeegan

    Wakko Guest

    In fact, I would think DOH would be more fun than a HOG rally. I'm going to
    the state rally in Conroe this weekend. I'll let you know.

    It will be the first state rally where I didn't just stay for 10 mins to
    take a picture, and then take off again.
    Wakko, May 13, 2004
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