Cycling in Melbourne

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by BT Humble, Nov 24, 2005.

  1. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    I've been here for 5 weeks now, with a 20km daily cycle commute. Since
    you're a captive audience (and I've only had 1 brief and unhappy
    motorcycle ride in that time), I thought I'd bore you with some
    observations on cycling in Melbourne.

    - Hand signals are a quaint affectation of a bygone era. If you *must*
    make them, try to be subtle. Pointing briefly at your own pedal is
    usually considered sufficient;

    - Men in tradie utes/vans are, without exception, pointlessly
    agressive. Whether it's because they dislike being overtaken by the
    same cyclist 4 times in a 3km stretch of road, or possibly because
    they're annoyed at spending 45% of their income on petrol while you
    obviously are not;

    - Don't oil your chain. Squeaky is the new black;

    - Leave your 21-speed bicycle in high range, 4th gear at all times.
    This ensures that you will wobble fashionably into the path of oncoming
    traffic while attempting a "fast takeoff";

    - Wear cleated cycling shoes, or use toe clips. This will encourage
    you to try to never come to a full stop, and wobble fashionable into
    the path of oncoming traffic while trying to stay upright (see above);

    - Ride 2 abreast on the footpath;

    - Wear a walkman;

    - If you're dressed in full Tour-de-France kit and riding a $4000+
    racing bicycle to commute to work, get all shirty when some bloke on a
    cheaparsed mountain bike wearing a NON COLOUR-COORDINATED HELMET!
    repeatedly overtakes you at traffic lights;

    As usual, 500km worth of cycling has left my calf muscles looking much
    the same and made my thighs go all lumpy. Oh well, such is life.

    BT Humble, Nov 24, 2005
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  2. BT Humble

    Moike Guest

    20K? is it that far?
    (checks maps)

    Oh... yeah. I've just started using a bicycle to get to work (fine
    weather only). I had no idea it was that far, but I guess it looks like
    about 9 k each way from Brunswick to Footisgrey.

    I've found a route that only involves about 800m on the roadway, and
    most of that is in a bicycle lane.

    So are you one of the Upfield bikeway riders or one of the maniacs that
    cycle down Sydney Road?

    Moike, Nov 24, 2005
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  3. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    I don't know what you mean, but on the way in my route is basically:

    Moreland Rd - Merri Creek - East St - Rupert/White/Rae St - Capital
    City Trail - Canning St - Barkley St - Grattan St - Cardigan St -
    A'Beckett St (work is on the corner of A'Beckett & Elizabeth St)

    On the way home I go along Rathdowne St instead of Canning, it seems to
    be slightly more downhill in a Northerly direction (although that might
    just be my imagination).

    It takes about 30 minutes, door-to-door.

    BT Humble, Nov 24, 2005
  4. BT Humble

    Moike Guest

    If you head the other way, cross sydney Rd, there's a bikepath that runs
    alongside the railway line. It takes you to Royal Parade[1] where you
    have an on-road bike path to the top of Elizabeth Street. I think it
    continues all the way to Victoria, but doesn't show up on the map

    This map is a bit better, but doesn't cover so much.

    I take the upfield bikeway to Park Street, then off through Royal par,
    past the zoo to Flemington Bridge, up the road a few hundred meters,
    then follow a bike path along an old stockroute through a new housing
    estate, then along the Maribyrnong river to the back of work. Worst
    part is the hill in Royal Park, and the hill from the river up to the Uni.


    [1] I haven't looked at it, but I'm pretty sure that if you stay on the
    bike path past Park Street, around the back of the tennis courts, you
    can take a path to the left that runs under Royal Parade and gets you
    onto the correct side of the road without messing about at the lights.
    Moike, Nov 25, 2005
  5. On 25/11/05 9:13 AM, in reference to
    , going by the name of

    I'm sure there is a cream you can apply...

    Hamish Alker-Jones, Nov 25, 2005
  6. Pffft! You wuss BT.

, Nov 25, 2005
  7. BT Humble

    Jules Guest

    Slowly... but surely... all aus.motos will become aus.bicycles ;-)
    Jules, Nov 25, 2005
  8. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    BT Humble, Nov 25, 2005
  9. BT Humble

    Moike Guest

    Oddly, you are the second person I have heard of who is crazy enough to
    do that. The other one had water (and possibly food) drops carried out
    in advance by a friendly 4WDer.

    I met him at a campfire after a 12 Hr (Noon-midnight) rogaining event.
    Someone was skiteing that they had driven the Canning. He pulled a
    laptop out of his backpack and showed us the powerpoint slideshow of his
    journey down the Canning by bicycle. Must have been 10 years ago.

    Just for the record, he said the scariest and most dangerous thing was
    meeting 4WDs coming the other way at the top of sand dunes. They were
    invariably sharing the same path, and the shock of suddenly seeing a
    bicycle tended to slow their reactions somewhat.

    He had some great pictures.

    Moike, Nov 25, 2005
  10. BT Humble

    Moike Guest

    Moike wrote:

    Oh, sorry, just realised. That's not you, is it!

    Moike, Nov 25, 2005
  11. Aw hell no! If I ever do the Canning, it will be on two wheels
    alright, but not a bicycle.
, Nov 25, 2005
  12. BT Humble

    sharkey Guest

    Nah, it wasn't Moike. He's just some fat prick with a BMW.

    sharkey, Nov 25, 2005
  13. Work smarter mate, not harder (besides my motor is broken ATM so it's
    all me power for now)
    Reckon he's a fair bit fitter than me too (not that that's hard)
, Nov 25, 2005
  14. BT Humble

    Moike Guest

    Oi!!!, when was I ever a prick to you?!!!!!!!

    Moike, Nov 25, 2005

  15. Sharks is just spreading disinformation and I haven't read this thread.

    Hamish Alker-Jones, Nov 25, 2005
  16. BT Humble

    sharkey Guest

    Don't make us send the goons around, Hammo.

    (They're scared of the bouncing Tigger)

    PS: I think you should rename the cat MRAA.

    sharkey, Nov 25, 2005
  17. BT Humble

    G-S Guest

    I reckon if they make a 2 seater... and give us the rear seat then they
    can peddle us around Tim :)

    G-S, Nov 25, 2005
  18. BT Humble

    SteveB Guest

    SteveB, Nov 25, 2005
  19. BT Humble

    Nev.. Guest

    faster than you realise, actually...

    '03 Malvern Star
    Nev.., Nov 25, 2005
  20. BT Humble

    Knobdoodle Guest

    [Stands and salutes the flag while Tim sings the anthem]
    Knobdoodle, Nov 25, 2005
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