Cycle trailer

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Greybeard, Mar 10, 2005.

  1. Greybeard

    Greybeard Guest

    The only regulation I know of is that the trailer must not be more than 1
    metre wide. As for weights etc, I've no idea.
    Greybeard, Mar 10, 2005
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  2. Greybeard

    Steve Parry Guest

    Fish fumbled, fiddled and fingered:


    Steve Parry
    K100RS SE & F650
    and a 520i SE Touring for comfort

    (not forgetting the SK90PY)
    Steve Parry, Mar 10, 2005
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  3. Greybeard

    Fish Guest

    I have been looking into Building a Trailer to Fit my Cycle onto with the
    wheels deattached. Then I want this trailer to then attach to My motorbike.
    A motorbike is my only means of powered transportation and therefor I have
    great difficulty getting my Cycle out anywhere outside riding distance.

    I figure someone must have done this before or someone may have experiance
    in building Trailers for motorbikes.

    The reason I wish to build My own is because I have seen the other's
    Availible on the market and They are all Simply Too large I just want a
    small Flatbed trailer about 3 foot x 4 foot maximum for carrying relativly
    light loads.

    Does anyone know the regulations for motorcycle trailers or where I can get
    then from?

    Fish, Mar 10, 2005
  4. Greybeard

    Fish Guest

    I have no idea thats what I need to know I know there is a 1M wicth
    restiction so this rules out most car trailers.
    Fish, Mar 10, 2005
  5. Greybeard

    Cammo Guest

    Yep, 1m width restriction, 254kg max unladen weight, 2.5m max length from rear
    bike axle to rear of trailer. You need a copy of 'Road Vehicles (Construction
    and Use) Regulation 1986'(covered under regulation 82) for full details.

    I should mention (as I note your rear drum) that learners are not allowed to
    tow a trailer, nor is any machine not exceeding 125cc.

    Alternatives exist though.

    and have a nose at the following post for ideas.
    Cammo, Mar 10, 2005
  6. Greybeard

    Fish Guest

    So Does it have to be a 126cc machine or is a 125cc Machine allowed?
    where Does one get / see a copy of the The Road Vehicles (Construction and
    Use) Regulations 1986

    Cheers for that
    Fish, Mar 10, 2005
  7. Greybeard

    Fish Guest

    and one more thing if and when I have built this thing will I need a SVA
    test or a MOT test or anything like that?
    Fish, Mar 10, 2005
  8. Greybeard

    Dave Painter Guest

    According to (department for transport)
    then no, trailers are outside the scope of both SVA and MOT regulations
    but they are still subject to construction and use regs


    Dave Painter, Mar 10, 2005
  9. Greybeard

    sweller Guest

    The Library.
    sweller, Mar 17, 2005
  10. Greybeard

    Fish Guest

    Cheers ... Your one of the few persons who has actually attempted to help me

    I didnt even think of checking the library DUH !!

    Fish, Mar 17, 2005
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