CVs - again.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Salad Dodger, Jul 19, 2010.

  1. Salad Dodger

    M J Carley Guest

    You can't blame a planning department for that.
    M J Carley, Jul 22, 2010
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  2. Salad Dodger

    M J Carley Guest

    You are assuming that the property developers try to build lots of
    houses and then compete on price to sell them. They charge whatever
    they can get away with.

    Self-build costs are a lot lower than buying from a developer, even
    though the planning and other charges are the same. The difference
    between these numbers is called `profit'.
    M J Carley, Jul 22, 2010
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  3. Salad Dodger

    Krusty Guest

    Demand that could be met if it wasn't so hard (& didn't take so long)
    to get PP. Swindon's got a *massive* housing shortfall, but it's taken
    god knows how many years of wrangling before Wimpy et al finally got
    the go ahead to start building on the 'front garden' (the chunk of land
    next to the M4 between junctions 15 & 16). It was being discussed when
    I first moved here 20 years ago!
    Krusty, Jul 22, 2010
  4. Salad Dodger

    Adrian Guest

    (M J Carley) gurgled happily, sounding much like they
    were saying:
    Remind me who place controls upon supply?
    Adrian, Jul 22, 2010
  5. Salad Dodger

    Colin Irvine Guest

    Less so nowadays.
    Because it's worth used to increase more rapidly than inflation.
    Colin Irvine, Jul 22, 2010
  6. Salad Dodger

    M J Carley Guest

    There is no shortage of supply: there are 651,993 empty homes in

    Maybe the property developers sitting on land they're not building on
    has something to do with it.

    As a result of continued investment, the enlarged group\u2019s
    landbank has grown from 103,600 plots at December 2006 to 109,700 at
    June 2007.
    M J Carley, Jul 22, 2010
  7. Salad Dodger

    Krusty Guest

    No I'm not.
    Of course they do, just like any other business. And just like any
    other business, if the supply exceeded the demand, the prices would
    Yes. I. Know. But self-build costs are also a lot lower than the final
    value of the completed house. It matters not one jot whether it's a
    developer or a self-builder doing it.
    Krusty, Jul 22, 2010
  8. Salad Dodger

    Krusty Guest

    'some real money'. If that's only 10% of the paper money, but they only
    ever need up to 5% to cover defaulters, it's not a problem. Up the
    defaulters to 10% & take away the paper money (real or otherwise) & you
    either go bust or find someone else (the government) to lend you the
    Krusty, Jul 22, 2010
  9. Salad Dodger

    Adrian Guest

    (M J Carley) gurgled happily, sounding much like they
    were saying:
    Which, of course, ignores the reasons why those houses are empty.
    (How can an empty house be a "home"?)

    The in-laws place was "empty" for a year. Because the F-i-L had died, the
    M-i-L had gone into care, and SWMBO was trying to clear it of forty years
    worth of accumulated crap in order to sell. When it went on the market,
    it sold within a week.

    It also ignores that many of the genuinely empty properties are empty
    because nobody actually wants to live in those properties or areas enough
    to pay a price that the landlord or vendor is willing to accept.
    Adrian, Jul 22, 2010
  10. Salad Dodger

    M J Carley Guest

    `the UK cash ratio is 0.15 per cent'

    There is nothing there.
    M J Carley, Jul 22, 2010
  11. Salad Dodger

    M J Carley Guest

    By having people live in it.
    So in this market, driven by supply and demand, prices are not changing
    due to changes in demand?
    M J Carley, Jul 22, 2010
  12. Salad Dodger

    Krusty Guest

    Empty doesn't mean available.
    "This represents a landbank of c.5.1 years at the current combined
    annual production rate of 21,500"

    21,500 houses a year is hardly 'not building'. It takes years of
    planning before you can start building a new housing estate, so having
    enough land for 5 years of building is perfectly reasonable.
    Krusty, Jul 22, 2010
  13. Salad Dodger

    Adrian Guest

    (M J Carley) gurgled happily, sounding much like they
    were saying:
    So you'd agree that "empty homes" is tautological?
    Who said anything about perfect elasticity?
    Adrian, Jul 22, 2010
  14. Salad Dodger

    Krusty Guest

    This. Well the distance from London in general. Never underestimate the
    effect of easy access to London. An extra half an hour down the M4 may
    not seem much, but double that during rush hour for the inevitable
    snarl up around Reading, then double it again for doing it twice a day
    on a commute, & an extra 100k doesn't sound quite as bad.
    Krusty, Jul 22, 2010
  15. Salad Dodger

    Krusty Guest

    That's after the shit hit the fan - it was higher before that (3% when
    Northern Rock went down).

    It's also only the UK ratio, so has no relevance to what real money was
    available in the international money markets either before or after the
    crash. E.g. the UAE liquidity ratio is 100%
    Krusty, Jul 22, 2010
  16. Salad Dodger

    wessie Guest

    Move to Wales

    The headline is about sale of council houses but another element of the
    new legislation is the relaxing of planning regs in rural areas. As
    Champ has highlighted, demographic changes mean that populations are
    ageing, quite rapidly in rural areas around here. The young people that
    grow up in the area mostly **** off to urban areas in search of cheaper
    homes. As baby boomers begin to retire it is becoming difficult for
    rural businesses to recruit young people to take their jobs. Hence, the
    intention is to give developers incentives to build homes suitable &
    affordable for young single people and families.

    Admirable intention but as it will be administered by WAG it is likely
    to be a monumental **** up.
    wessie, Jul 22, 2010
  17. Salad Dodger

    Hog Guest

    Move to Spain. One million empty Apartments.

    No jobs or water either.
    Hog, Jul 22, 2010
  18. Salad Dodger

    Higgins@work Guest

    Having had the "pleasure" of living on a new build estate, I suspect
    your perception is very wrong. Having spent a couple of years watching
    the "To Let" signs going up and down, the vast majority of the flats
    and "mews" houses were buy to let.
    Higgins@work, Jul 22, 2010
  19. Salad Dodger

    wessie Guest

    I saw the report on Newsnight about that yesterday. As stated elsewhere,
    Santander have taken over my bank with which I have a goodly amount stashed
    in a cash ISA. It's just below the compensation threshold but despite their
    decent rates I'll have to look for a different provider for future
    wessie, Jul 22, 2010
  20. Salad Dodger

    Fr Jack Guest

    (M J Carley) banged this out on the bongos:

    Keerist!! I thought it was all smoke and mirrors, but I didn't know it
    was almost literally the case!

    Time for a return to full reserve banking IYAM.
    Fr Jack, Jul 22, 2010
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