CVs - again.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Salad Dodger, Jul 19, 2010.

  1. Salad Dodger

    CT Guest

    CT, Jul 22, 2010
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  2. Salad Dodger

    Adrian Guest

    Any company that suddenly has to raise several billion or else go tits
    has, yes. The only difference between HSBC/Barclays and the others is who
    they got it from.
    They seemed to think so.
    Adrian, Jul 22, 2010
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  3. Salad Dodger

    M J Carley Guest

    So why is nobody doing it?
    Rental income may have nose-dived, but the kind of housing being built
    for rent is of little or no use to most families and there are a lot
    of empty flats.
    Exactly: people had a choice between rents they couldn't pay and a
    lower mortgage, but they are called stupid or greedy for taking the
    mortgage on offer.
    M J Carley, Jul 22, 2010
  4. Salad Dodger

    Krusty Guest

    Yes, but they could no longer borrow it from the international money
    markets, so had to borrow it from the government instead.
    Sure it's paper money, but it still has to have some real money behind
    it somewhere in the chain, otherwise...
    Krusty, Jul 22, 2010
  5. Salad Dodger

    Adrian Guest

    (M J Carley) gurgled happily, sounding much like they
    were saying:
    Because nobody wants to capitalise on their loss.
    What's "being built" got to do with the price of fish?
    Adrian, Jul 22, 2010
  6. Salad Dodger

    SaladDodger Guest

    If the politicians stood by their (socialist, in this case)
    "principles", then no bribe would take place.

    We all know MPs only get into politics for the good of the public[1],
    and not to feather their own nests, so I can't see how bribery on the
    scale you allege could possibly happen.

    You must be imagining it.

    [1] V&M says so, ergo it must be true.
    SaladDodger, Jul 22, 2010
  7. Salad Dodger

    CT Guest

    Which doesn't tally with the link that Adrian posted:

    "HSBC, along with Barclays, opted not to seek cash from the government."
    CT, Jul 22, 2010
  8. Salad Dodger

    Adrian Guest

    "aspects of the scheme"
    Adrian, Jul 22, 2010
  9. Salad Dodger

    M J Carley Guest

    No it doesn't. Banks lend (much) more money than they have. The UK
    cash ratio is 0.15%.
    M J Carley, Jul 22, 2010
  10. Salad Dodger

    M J Carley Guest

    Tony Blair made a point of saying he wasn't a socialist.
    M J Carley, Jul 22, 2010
  11. Salad Dodger

    CT Guest

    Yes, and HSBC, Nationwide and Standard Chartered were also signed up
    and yet:

    "HSBC, Nationwide and Standard Chartered also welcomed the plan but
    said they did not intend to take on any new capital at the moment."

    So I think I'm just disagreeing on TBC's use of "bailout" from his
    earlier post, so I'll leave it at that.
    CT, Jul 22, 2010
  12. Salad Dodger

    Krusty Guest

    If you're just talking about new builds, then yeah, maybe. But that's
    not the 'buy-to-let' crowd, that's the big developers. I think of the
    BTL crowd more as the ones who buy disgusting old uninhabitable
    shitters, spend a fortune doing them up, then rent them out. They're
    invariably suitable family homes, & I can't see a downside to doing

    The blame for a lack of housing overall lies fairly & squarely at the
    doors of the planning departments & the ever more stringent buildings
    regs. They've massively pushed up the cost of building a house. The way
    things are going, the cost of the insulation alone for a new house will
    be more than the total build cost was 20 years ago.
    Krusty, Jul 22, 2010
  13. Salad Dodger

    CT Guest

    Not just that.

    A couple of years ago, we looked at a new build just outside Bracknell.
    And then we drove half an hour down the M4 to Thatcham, and saw exactly
    the same house for £100k cheaper.

    Now I am sure that the land in Bracknell probably cost a bit more, but
    to the tune of £100k a plot? Market forces must count for a fair chunk.

    I mean Bracknell is a shit-hole so I'm not sure why it commands such
    high prices. The only reason is the rail link into London (but that's
    nowhere near as good as Reading or Slough) or the fact that it's
    "overspill" from people that really wanted to live in Ascot or Windsor.
    CT, Jul 22, 2010
  14. Salad Dodger

    CT Guest

    'Cos our pensions are going to be shit?
    CT, Jul 22, 2010
  15. Salad Dodger

    Adrian Guest

    Maybe they didn't NEED to, but wanted to?
    Except, of course, you seem to miss the rather fundamental flaw in your
    argument - if nobody's renting, buy-to-let becomes unviable.
    Because prices have been increasing rapidly for years, and the "stupid
    proles" didn't see that that was unsustainable.
    Adrian, Jul 22, 2010
  16. Salad Dodger

    M J Carley Guest

    Probably not that at all.
    So it's not planning departments pushing up prices, it's property
    developers pushing up prices because they can get away with it.
    M J Carley, Jul 22, 2010
  17. Salad Dodger

    Adrian Guest

    (M J Carley) gurgled happily, sounding much like they
    were saying:
    Supply, meet Demand.
    Demand, meet Supply.
    Adrian, Jul 22, 2010
  18. Salad Dodger

    Krusty Guest

    Yes, because they have (or had) the facility to cover as much of that
    as they were ever likely to need by borrowing from the international
    markets. Make that need a reality at the same time as taking away the
    borrowing facility & the shit hits the fan.
    Krusty, Jul 22, 2010
  19. Salad Dodger

    Krusty Guest

    If being allowed to build lots more houses for less money wouldn't lead
    to more & cheaper houses, there must be a big chunk of economics that's
    passed me by.
    Krusty, Jul 22, 2010
  20. Salad Dodger

    M J Carley Guest

    Even if that is true, the money being lent to them is being lent by
    banks which don't have `real' money to back the loan.
    The borrowing facility wasn't `taken away': the banks stopped lending
    because they knew they were all living in the same fantasy world.
    M J Carley, Jul 22, 2010
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