Customer Survey - Avoid Customer Survey can create problems and losesof clients

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by smomst, Aug 4, 2008.

  1. smomst

    smomst Guest

    Many companies in the world have spent millions of dollars on
    "Customer Relationship Management Software"(CRM), the investments have
    not yet proven to be worthwhile due to kinds of data being collected
    on a daily basis. Most of the data obtained by CRM systems is very
    number's heavy and contains details of transactions including how
    much, total cost, price, etc.

    However you plan on conducting customer satisfaction surveys, always
    keep your customer's time and loyalty at the top of your mind. Too
    many surveys, emails, phone calls - are only going to annoy them. Keep
    them on your side by showing them exactly what you are going to do
    with their feedback, and show them the results when it's done.

    A Customer Satisfaction Survey will help you not only identify problem
    areas but will also demonstrate to your customers that you care and
    are proactive in looking for ways to improve the service that you

    The Customer Satisfaction Survey is the answer. The best way to find
    out your customer satisfaction and loyalty, while collecting strong
    testimonials you can use in other sales and marketing tools, is to
    ask. It's that simple.

    Customer service is an endangered species in today’s business
    environment. This fact is not just a constant annoyance to consumers;
    it also presents a great opportunity for any business that wants to
    separate itself from its competitors. But you’ll need more than a
    catchy slogan to make your company customer focused. It takes total
    commitment from everyone in the company to make customers totally
    satisfied. Another study shows that a “totally satisfied” customer is
    six times more likely to become a repeat customer than someone who
    describes herself as “satisfied.” That means total satisfaction should
    be every company’s goal.

    MagicSurveyTool is the best Survey Service provider in the market.
    smomst, Aug 4, 2008
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  2. smomst

    Moike Guest

    Who said they don't do irony any more!

    Moike, Aug 4, 2008
    1. Advertisements

  3. smomst

    MJ Guest

    Moike wrote...
    Well, I don't. I use permanent press stuff...

    Or I get my wife to do it...
    MJ, Aug 7, 2008
  4. smomst

    Moike Guest


    Moike, Aug 7, 2008
  5. smomst

    MJ Guest

    Moike wrote...
    I'll accept the misspelling as deliberate...
    MJ, Aug 8, 2008
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