custom midpipe

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by jcharth, Sep 15, 2006.

  1. jcharth

    jcharth Guest

    Hell has anyone made any custom midpipes, i will be fitting a new
    exhaust in my bike and i believe it might need some custom fittings, I
    am thinking to go to a custom exhaust shop and just have them make a
    couple. I believe they will be 2inch and about 10inches long. I will be
    getting the exhaust in the mail next week. I found some fleaxible
    couplings i am not sure if they will could do the job.
    jcharth, Sep 15, 2006
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  2. jcharth

    John Johnson Guest

    Flexible couplings are typically emergency repairs only (the Inconel
    flex-coupling on Confederate Chopper's Wildcat is an exception). I'd
    suggest taking the relevant bits down to an exhaust shop that does
    custom exhausts for racers. They'll have the mandrels to do your bends.
    I know several people who have done this and all have said that it was
    fast, inexpensive, and worked.


    'indiana' is a 'nolnn' and 'hoosier' is a 'solkk'. Indiana doesn't solkk.
    John Johnson, Sep 15, 2006
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