Current Republicans

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Mr. JayT, Jul 29, 2008.

  1. Mr. JayT

    Bill Cattell Guest

    Like BiffB said - "war ain't cheap". I'm thankful that GW had the guts
    to take the fight to the countries that were supporting the rag-head,
    terrorist assholes and not do nothing (i.e. Clinton) that would have let
    them keep bringing the fight over here.


    Bush keeps getting blame from the liberal left that he's a killer, a
    terrorist, a murderer, a pawn of big business. Maybe so, maybe not - one
    thing I'm thankful for is the fight is "over there" and not in New York,
    LA, Dallas, Houston, etc, etc.

    We're still living a very comfortable life over here compared to any
    other country in the world - ANY country. Yes, there are poor people -
    there has always been and will always be. There's crime - same thing -
    always has been, always will be. America still has higher standards, a
    higher degree of freedom and more civil liberties than any place else.


    ....and thank you for your support. ;-)
    Bill Cattell, Aug 3, 2008
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  2. Mr. JayT

    Mr. JayT Guest

    Mr Bill Cee responds:
    I'm thankful that GW had the guts to take the fight to the countries
    that were supporting the rag-head, terrorist assholes and not do nothing
    (i.e. Clinton) that would have let them keep bringing the fight over

    ======BillCee,a whole lotta of us thought it wouldve been a lot better
    strategy had President Bush, invaded the right Muslin country though.
    For instance Bill; Afghanistan! And done it with the same 'scale (as
    Iraq) with our mighty military''; where Al Kaida, and their leader Bin'
    Laden were holed up, whom' were responsible for 911 in NYC, doncha'
    think JayT-
    Mr. JayT, Aug 4, 2008
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  3. Mr. JayT

    louie Guest

    Is than less than ''most of us''?

    louie, Aug 4, 2008
  4. Mr. JayT

    lonestarlvn Guest

    I think you're right Jay T. That's what I've been hearing, seeing and

    lonestarlvn, Aug 4, 2008
  5. Mr. JayT

    lonestarlvn Guest

    Git serious Louie!!

    lonestarlvn, Aug 4, 2008
  6. Mr. JayT

    BiffB Guest

    You mean countries like Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sudan?

    I hate to quote wikipedia, but "The 9-11 Commission Report cites one
    source who said in February 2001, "[bin Laden] complained frequently
    that the United States had not yet attacked [in response to the Cole]...
    Bin Ladin wanted the United States to attack, and if it did not he would
    launch something bigger.""
    February would be ohhhh,,about 7 months before September. So I'm a
    little reluctant to give Bush much credit for "fighting them there so we
    don't have to fight em here".
    They keep taking away all those freedoms and civil liberties, though.
    And we all know, once the gubment gets something, it don't give it back.
    A slippery slope it is. You give up a little liberty for some perceived
    security. Then they ask you to give up a little more, and a little more,
    and pretty soon you don't have any left.
    You're welcome. :)
    BiffB, Aug 5, 2008
  7. Mr. JayT

    BiffB Guest

    BiffB, Aug 5, 2008
  8. Mr. JayT

    bj_kana Guest

    Come to thank about it, ''that would be correct'''! huh
    bj_kana, Aug 5, 2008
  9. Mr. JayT

    bj_kana Guest

    Thanks LS. If anybody doesnt know that ''MOST'' Americans STILL
    think the United States went to the wrong country to whup some ass,
    they are not watching Fox Nosie, or SeeNN, or even Imus on RFD.
    now, wathca thank'. <grin>
    bj_kana, Aug 5, 2008
  10. Mr. JayT

    bj_kana Guest

    LS, the old feller Louie, has problems responding to paragraphs. I
    guess that's too much info to download/comprehend, for'em. <g>
    bj_kana, Aug 5, 2008
  11. Mr. JayT

    bj_kana Guest

    say biffb816, right after 911, we all knew, that BinLaden had
    something to do with it. Anyone that didnt know that,well they were'nt
    watching the important TV news channels.
    Hail' at the time Soddam of Iraq was too busy killing his own folks,
    to have trained some of his sand niggers to slip into the US, and be
    apart of the 911 Tragedy done by those cowards.
    Eventually, the US would probably have found it necessary to go get
    But not right off the bat, like BUSH insisted that we do.
    And quite frankly BUSH did good at persuading the American public,
    that maybe Saddam did have some big bad weapons. However MOST of us
    still wondered why go into Iraq, this soon? MrJayT-
    bj_kana, Aug 5, 2008
  12. Mr. JayT

    BiffB Guest

    You're starting to sound a little like an anarchist.
    BiffB, Aug 5, 2008
  13. Mr. JayT

    lonestarlvn Guest

    LS, the old feller Louie, has problems responding to paragraphs. I
    guess that's too much info to download/comprehend, for'em. <g>

    So that's it! Well, guess his old timers kicks in and screws up his thinking
    and typing.

    lonestarlvn, Aug 6, 2008
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