CTP time

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Heath Raftery, Aug 16, 2006.

  1. This is my first time paying rego for the bike. $97 flat fee =
    nice. However now the CTP renewal notice has come through.

    I remember when debating the purchase of the bike, I
    considered a 250cc and the associated cheaper CTP but decided
    it wasn't worth it. Compared to the car, I figured the higher
    CTP was swallowble.

    Hence I was shocked to see that the renewal price was $600.
    And that was for the >25yo previous owner living in a quiet
    suburb of Newcastle. I think that was QBE. I checked out
    AAMI's equivalent and received a similar quote.

    Does this sound about right? I was expecting at least a
    couple hundred dollars cheaper.
    Heath Raftery, Aug 16, 2006
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  2. Heath Raftery

    ck Guest


    ck, Aug 18, 2006
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  3. Heath Raftery

    DaZZa Guest

    You can do comparisons at http://www.maa.nsw.gov.au

    But on the whole, it's probably right. Bike CTP is a bloody ripoff
    compared to car CTP. QBE is the cheapest quote for my 1988 BMW K100
    at $438 - all the rest are above $600, wit hthe highest being the NRMA
    at $624.80.

    Makes up for the cheap registration. Great, huh?

    DaZZa, Aug 20, 2006
  4. Nuts. In 7 months I turn 25 and it drops to $400. But currently,
    to insure a bike I ride 40k's a week on, half of that offroad away
    from people, and not allowed to carry a pillion on anyway, I need
    to pay $600 to cover damage to other people. Whaddya gunna do ay?
    Heath Raftery, Aug 21, 2006
  5. Heath Raftery

    J5 Guest

    qbe gave me $80 a month ago and $360 for the 400cc last night

    and IIRC was $170 for a 100-300cc as well
    J5, Aug 21, 2006
  6. Heath Raftery

    J5 Guest

    no doubt

    sucked in :D
    J5, Aug 21, 2006
  7. Heath Raftery

    DaZZa Guest

    You could take the risk and ride it unregistered - but you didn't
    get that suggestion from me.

    Insurarance companies are bastards, but the government is just as
    much to blame because they simply don't care. Cars, they monitor, and
    threaten regulation for if the insurance companies get toey - but
    bikes? There's not enough noise that comes from bike riders for them
    to give a toss.

    Time to give the local member another nudge.

    DaZZa, Aug 23, 2006
  8. Heath Raftery

    Damien Guest

    I just paid $262 for my greenslip through NRMA for a CBR600.

    GPX250 -> CBR600 -> F650/R1200GS (when the $$$ are there!)
    Damien, Aug 24, 2006
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