Crash latest

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Darren Robinson, Sep 3, 2003.

  1. Well, I've got RSS on the case now. Carole Nash bod seemed
    disappointed, and tried to advise me to go with their solicitors.
    They may be the biggest personal injury solicitors in the country
    (Irwin Mitchell), but they aren't (AFAIK) bike accident specialists,
    and lots of people here reckon that RSS rock. They've got all the
    details I can give them now.

    When I spoke to the janitor who attended the scene, he said he's happy
    I wasn't doing anything wrong, but that it was very unlikely they'd be
    able to pin anything like a Due Care on the other driver. Plod still
    says it was entirely the other bloke's fault, though, as does the
    independent witness.

    The people who recovered my bike are happy to put it in writing that
    in their opinion, it is beyond economical repair (forks snapped, front
    bashed in, it's a Bandit so it's fucked). I've had it moved to a
    secure location where I won't be charged for storage; my uncle's
    builders' merchant's yard.

    I have bruises on my left elbow, right chest, right wrist (suspected
    scaphoid fracture) and my arse is bruised. My right leg is one big
    yellow bruise, with some small cuts and abrasions here and there. My
    left testicle is purple; the right one is about twice the size it
    should be, and hurts a lot (should anyone wish to know). I was
    wearing denim jeans; I think that my leather jeans would not have
    made much difference, as they aren't armoured. My crash helmet (Shark
    S500) is scraped across the face-hole, and the visor is missing; there
    are no obvious signs of serious impact. Needless to say, it's retired
    from active service. Neither jacket (Akito) nor gloves (HG Pathan)
    show much sign of anything other than wear. The boots ("Trezeta"
    brand work/walking boots) I had on were slightly scuffed. Nothing had
    to be cut off to be removed.

    It's all in the hands of RSS and Carole Nash now. I think I got off
    rather lightly; more news as it happens.

    Thanks again to all well-wishers; you know who you are.
    Darren Robinson, Sep 3, 2003
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  2. Darren Robinson

    Hurrikane Guest

    In Satans twisted
    little helper, spouted such drivel as:

    Hope you feel better soon & get the claim sorted with no probs. Shame about
    the bike, too:(
    Hurrikane, Sep 3, 2003
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  3. Darren Robinson

    HooDooWitch Guest

    Nooooooo...Nooo, Nooo, no. Carole Nash might give good all round
    cover, but with my prang last year, I'm sure the solicitor[1] must
    have rolled over and pissed himself like a Chihuahua at the mere
    thought of going to court. Oh yeah, and there was approximately
    *****-all* consultation with myself.

    Net result. A total loss settlement, with damages, chalked up
    *against* me, even though it wasn't my fault[2].

    Hopefully I'll never need 'em, but next time <fx:Touches wood>, I'll
    cetainly get RSS on the case.

    [1] Working for the underwriters that went bust a few years ago.
    [2] Honest[3].
    [3] No, really it wasn't, honest.
    HooDooWitch, Sep 3, 2003
  4. If it hurts you're still alive which is a good thing
    Any prang you can walk^H^H^H hobble away from is light damage I guess, glad
    you're not too injured.

    From & Reply-To are valid but filtered
    znvygb: (ROT13 all of it to mail me)
    FAQ here
    98 FZS600, 72 T120R two#34 MIB#21 TWA#6
    Boots Blakeley, Sep 3, 2003
  5. Darren Robinson

    Alan.T.Gower Guest

    I hope it all turns out well for you.
    Alan.T.Gower, Sep 3, 2003
  6. Darren Robinson

    HooDooWitch Guest

    Has he been "taken out" since the original post? It's a fuckin'
    conspiracy I tell ya.
    HooDooWitch, Sep 3, 2003
  7. Darren Robinson

    Buzby Guest

    A classic case of BB aka 'Bikers Bollocks'

    Buzby, Sep 3, 2003
  8. Darren Robinson

    JP Guest

    If there was one then possibly wasnt the best witness. Just because
    someone saw an incident doesnt mean they saw *everything* or are a
    half decent witness
    JP, Sep 3, 2003
  9. Darren Robinson

    Pip Guest

    No kidding. I had a black, then purple, then blue badger stripe up me
    sack for three months after my splat last year.
    Pip, Sep 3, 2003
  10. Darren Robinson

    Ben Blaney Guest

    I have no interest in this information. Please cease.
    <fx: looks around guiltily, decides to cover tracks>

    Well I think you're a Northern ****.
    Ben Blaney, Sep 3, 2003
  11. Darren Robinson

    Colin Irvine Guest

    I must have missed the original post.
    Count me in.

    You know, if you didn't want to ride down to the EOSM with us, you
    only had to ask to be excused.
    Colin Irvine, Sep 3, 2003
  12. Darren Robinson

    Lozzo Guest

    Bear fascinated us all by saying...
    I usually appeal to fat munters who want to mother me, but there have
    been noteable exceptions to that recently :)

    ZZR1100D, GPZ500S, CB250RS
    BOTAFOT#57/70a, BOTAFOF#57, two#49, MIB#22, TCP#7, BONY#9,
    BotToS#8, GP#2, SBS#10, SH#3.
    Url for ukrm newbies :
    Lozzo, Sep 3, 2003
  13. Darren Robinson

    HooDooWitch Guest

    So you've adopted the old "desperately introduce new criteria in order
    to maintain accuracy of original untenable post" defence! Most people
    would have waited a couple of posts before using this line as in this
    case it's far too easily countered with a "were you there then?" or
    "so you know this witness and *he's* a fuckwit/blindman".

    Go read the original post, then re-read your post, then tell me you
    didn't make a *teensy* booboo ... with a straight face ... and no
    fingers crossed whilst you type. ;)
    HooDooWitch, Sep 4, 2003
  14. Darren Robinson

    dwb Guest

    Blimey - something we've got in common.
    dwb, Sep 4, 2003
  15. Darren Robinson

    Lozzo Guest

    Lozzo, Sep 4, 2003
  16. Darren Robinson

    darsy Guest

    couldn't find one for you, sorry...
    darsy, Sep 4, 2003
  17. Darren Robinson

    Hurrikane Guest

    In Satans twisted
    little helper, spouted such drivel as:
    So glad I'm a female :)
    Hurrikane, Sep 4, 2003
  18. Darren Robinson

    JP Guest

    You`re right - failed miserably to spot the "independant witness" in
    the original post!! In which case I stand by my second post :)
    JP, Sep 4, 2003
  19. You were asleep during the 1/2 hour Observation Classes?
    (due, no doubt, to overdoing it during the 7 hours of
    Sensless Brutality Classes earlier in the day. ;-))
    William Grainger, Sep 4, 2003
  20. Darren Robinson

    Pip Guest


    Crasher's **** hurts just as much, you know.
    Pip, Sep 4, 2003
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