Court Case Verdict

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Uncle Bully, Feb 19, 2007.

  1. Uncle Bully

    James C Guest

    Just say one gigametre.
    James C, Feb 23, 2007
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  2. Uncle Bully

    bikerbetty Guest

    holy crap.... I have the same recollection..... shit, I agree with Nev.....
    oh dear! <grin>

    Having said that.... the magistrate who said that shite about disabled
    people not riding motorbikes needs a bloody good re-education!

    And (yeah, sorry, piling all my responses to everything I've read in this
    thread into one post) - I have a very dear friend who's been a para since he
    was a kid, who's quite keen on getting a modified trike that he can get his
    chair onto (with seats for his twin 4 year olds) - not sure how much space
    such a contraption would take up, but I tell you what, if some bastard
    parked in a spot set aside for ppl like him, it'd be effing criminal! The
    thing is, he probably wouldn't complain, because he's never wanted to be
    singled out as "disabled" - but those disabled spots are a blessing on a
    long day when you have the kids and you're not feeling up to "proving" that
    you can do anything an able-bodied person can do - something he's done
    remarkably well for over 35 years, but hey, sometimes you get a bit tired of

    bikerbetty, Feb 23, 2007
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  3. Uncle Bully

    Dale Porter Guest

    OK.....Who has the pics of Pisshead and "The Road Toad"?
    Dale Porter, Feb 23, 2007
  4. Uncle Bully

    Dale Porter Guest

    Actually, I found a couple. Here ya go Betty.....

    Pisshead arriving. Note the wheelchair and crutches in the back.

    Pisshead attempting to tuneup the Toad with Goaty peering over his shoulder (we had 3 different laptops out at one stage trying to
    get it working). You can just see part of the tub at the rear of the Toad that holds Pete's wheelchair.
    Dale Porter, Feb 23, 2007
  5. Uncle Bully

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Note the Doodle-mobile and infamous fridge-trailer in the background.
    Who says Harleys aren't "high-tech"?
    Knobdoodle, Feb 23, 2007
  6. Uncle Bully

    bikerbetty Guest

    pretty sure I saw a white one at Dickson shops a short while ago, but yeah,
    just enough room for a chair, no passengers.

    I reckon the kids would love it! (so would D - he told me about a (doctor)
    mate of his strapping him onto the back of a sportsbike, years ago. Wasn't
    till the end of the ride that they noticed his legs had slipped and the
    exhaust was melting through his shoes.... holy dooley.....) He loved the
    ride though...

    It would be great if he could get himself, his chair and his kids onto a

    bikerbetty, Feb 23, 2007
  7. Uncle Bully

    bikerbetty Guest

    Brilliant! Thanks Dale - d'you mind if I fwd those to D?????

    bikerbetty, Feb 23, 2007
  8. Uncle Bully

    Dale Porter Guest

    I certainly don't mind. And I'd hazard a guess that Pisshead wouldn't mind either. Nor would the man that took the pics, the late
    Dale Porter, Feb 23, 2007
  9. Uncle Bully

    Uncle Bully Guest

    Wrong. (feel free to google

    wrong again
    That's why human memory is shown up as unreliable

    The story has and always been the same, and it was the same as in court.
    Most of my original discussions in here were based around the appropriate
    penalty for incorrectly using a parking space. Some people think this type
    of infringement should be be met with violence. I simply say it's just a
    parking space and needs to be put in context.
    Uncle Bully, Feb 23, 2007
  10. Uncle Bully

    Uncle Bully Guest

    For the record I haven't parked in this space since the original offence.
    I've found a footpath I can use which the rangers don't seem to mind me
    using. Legally I'm doing the same thing (parking illegally), but this time
    it seems to be ok with everyone.
    Uncle Bully, Feb 23, 2007
  11. Uncle Bully

    Knobdoodle Guest

    But as with anything that isn't yours; it needs whatever it takes to stop
    you from taking it.
    If just a $60 fine isn't sufficient deterrent then anything up to and
    including violence may be required to help you to understand the simple
    It's just a pity the Magistrate was so easily conned as to ignore that.
    Knobdoodle, Feb 23, 2007
  12. Uncle Bully

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Legally you're parking illegally?
    Of course you're missing the point though. No-one gives a **** what a
    useless dribble-of-shit like YOU is doing; it's what you are depriving real
    live worthwhile humans of that matters.
    (Their livelihood, their self-respect, their mobility, their access to
    medical-assistance. etc.)
    Don't s'pose that would've ever entered your "mind" though eh?
    Knobdoodle, Feb 23, 2007
  13. In on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 21:57:16 +1100
    That is the problem with that spot in North Sydney.

    The number of disabled riders who could use it is considerably less
    than the number of disabled riders who exist. Because the bloody
    thing won't fit anything but a 2 wheeled bike as it has bollards in
    front of it.

    Which is no doubt what the magistrate thought, and decided it wasn't
    really a disabled spot or else that no one could have considered it
    one. Because it wasn't fit for purpose.

    Those who feel strongly about it should contact the North Sydney

    The bike parking in question is cnr Denison and Mount St. THe
    counciil website says "Should you have any enquiries regarding road
    safety in the North Sydney Council area, please contact Council's Road
    Safety Officer on 9936 8246."

    Zebee Johnstone, Feb 23, 2007
  14. I can feel the love in the air.

    PeterC [aka MildThing]

    '01 Yamaha FJR1300
    # 37181
    Peter Cremasco, Feb 23, 2007
  15. Uncle Bully

    Uncle Bully Guest

    And world hunger too, don't forget world hunger. I got a report form the UN
    that said since I stopped parking in that spot there's 35 children in Africa
    that now have hope...
    Uncle Bully, Feb 23, 2007
  16. Uncle Bully

    Uncle Bully Guest

    My penalty for this was $0, much less than even $60. So neither financial
    penalty nor violence was actually required. I guess you're going to need a
    new religion to believe in now.
    Uncle Bully, Feb 23, 2007
  17. Uncle Bully

    Uncle Bully Guest

    Are you trying to say that beating someone up won't sovle the problem? This
    is usenet right?
    Uncle Bully, Feb 23, 2007
  18. In on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 10:16:22 +1100
    THis is usenet, so it's easier to *say* they'll beat someone up then
    to get on the phone, never mind actually beating someone up.

    If I could have found an email address then I expect 3 times the number
    of people would email rather than have to pick up a phone, spend 25c
    of their own money (or more likely their boss's money) or even *shock*
    wait on hold and then have to talk to a real human being.

    But that still wouldn't add up to the number threatening a beating, so
    I dunno the North Sydney Council switchboard needs to worry never mind
    your hide.

    No problems to any, it's usenet.

    Zebee Johnstone, Feb 24, 2007
  19. Uncle Bully

    Marty H Guest

    Sasha for one.. as well as a rider
    She won last years unuragual longest rider award with 2484km, all that
    with 2 discs missing and a whole lot of bone crunching in her spine...
    which is different to the OP, he has no spine

    the only reason I havent got her on her bike or the back my bike for a
    photo holding her disable pass is she just arrived home from Hosp with
    another 5 holes in her

    Marty H, Feb 24, 2007
  20. Uncle Bully

    Marty H Guest

    Clem, don't waste ya breath on the little moron.

    unfortunately or maybe fortunately the only way this little twit will
    learn is one day he needs one of these stickers on his vehicle and
    cant buy his copy of "Twat's Weekly" from the local newsagent because
    all the able bodied twats have parked in the disable spots.

    actually he prolly wont learn, he just come in he'll and complain
    about it

    Marty H, Feb 24, 2007
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