Country towns not well

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Andrew Price, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. Andrew Price

    Diogenes Guest

    I was in the mood for a bit of flippancy.

    But I would like to see us change radically how we do economics.

    I'm completely _not _sold on globalisation. I think it will lead to
    Australia losing what little remains of its economic independence

    I think we ought to be heading in the opposite direction, i.e.
    economic self-sufficiency in all vital areas of the economy.

    I don't mind if I get called an economic nationalist. I think it's a
    lot better than us being a slave to the big economic powers.

    I don't think it would be easy. I don't think it would be painless.
    But I do think fighting for our economic freedom (and that's what it
    would be) would be worth it in the long run.

    And I don't have any problem with tariffs, governement control or even
    publicly owned enterprises.

    I'm a dreamer, I know.

    Now, this is the end of this thread for me.

    Seeya, dudes and dudettes.

    Onya bike...

    Diogenes, Dec 3, 2008
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  2. Andrew Price

    Diogenes Guest

    I've shut this thread down for myslef, but in departure, let me just
    say that you misunderstood what I menat by rortists. to me all
    economists, numbercrunchers, et al who support the "free market"
    model of econmics are rortists. It was just another little epithet I
    threw your way so as to help you get offended.

    Good night, John.

    Onya bike...

    Diogenes, Dec 3, 2008
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  3. Andrew Price

    Diogenes Guest

    Relax, Australia is safe. I have zero chance of taking over

    But you need to get your humour meter repaired, boy. It ain't readin

    Onya bike...

    Diogenes, Dec 3, 2008
  4. Andrew Price

    Diogenes Guest

    You win.

    See my final comment in this thread (to Capt_about_lunchtime) above.

    Onya bike...

    Diogenes, Dec 3, 2008
  5. Andrew Price

    theo Guest

    Yes I am till next July. But in the meantime I've passed the age of 65
    and Centrelink called me in for a little talk. Despite my fulltime job
    they insisted on giving me a Seniors Health Card, which gives me a
    $500 a year 'living' subsidy, free medical at my GP, $5 scripts at the
    Chemist, and now a $1400 bonus. When I retire they promise to give me
    another couple of $K tax free for working past 65. Ain't they nice

    theo, Dec 3, 2008
  6. Andrew Price

    theo Guest

    Ahh, the Pol Pot solution, followed by cut and run.

    Good one Gerry.

    theo, Dec 3, 2008
  7. Andrew Price

    theo Guest

    I knew that about the content but not that it was legal in NSW. Some
    bloke over here has been fighting the Gov't for a permit to grow for
    about ten years.

    theo, Dec 3, 2008
  8. Andrew Price

    Diogenes Guest

    No, you misunderstand, I am more like Hitler than Pop Pot.

    Pop Pot just killed his victims, whereas Hitler worked them to until
    they were of no further use, and even then he utilised every part of
    their bodies, clothing etc (having already seized their assets).

    As you can tell Hitler was the better economist of the two...

    Hence my comment about tentrinching tools and digging for water

    I could save this country... ;-)

    Onya bike...

    Diogenes, Dec 3, 2008
  9. Andrew Price

    Diogenes Guest

    Don't quote on that, I'm not sure if I read it or dreamed it.

    Onya bike...

    Diogenes, Dec 3, 2008
  10. Andrew Price

    Diogenes Guest

    yes, but that could take decades and in the meantime cheap imports
    kill our capacity to porduce across a wide enough range, and we become
    utterly dependent on (and controlled by) The Big Boys.

    I still say we ought o build an economic model that gives us a large
    enough degree of economic self-sufficiency i.e. freedom and
    independence form economic skullduggery.
    Yes, and I don't see why, just as in society, indpendent
    (self-sufficient) individuals can (and should) work together
    co-operatively for a greater common good, this cannot also be true at
    the national/international level.
    That's just one view. Not one I share. And it certainly is _not_ The
    Absolute Truth. There are many ways to do economics. You're just
    singing form the Free Market (Big Busines Bulldozer) song sheet.
    There are many other song sheets and many other songs.

    Onya bike...

    Diogenes, Dec 3, 2008
  11. Kill yourself.
    intact.kneeslider, Dec 3, 2008
  12. Andrew Price

    Diogenes Guest

    On Wed, 3 Dec 2008 15:21:44 -0800 (PST),
    After you.

    Onya bike...

    Diogenes, Dec 3, 2008
  13. Andrew Price

    JL Guest

    Baah humbug. There is no "win" - I've been trying to get you to
    actually explain your position and support it with evidence so we can
    have a rational discourse (and whether you believe it or not I was
    trying very hard to give your position the benefit of the doubt).
    Given you've not actually done so I would suggest if anything we have
    both lost.

    JL, Dec 4, 2008
  14. Andrew Price

    Diogenes Guest

    I've explained my position. There are numerous economists who hold
    similar positions. Google it, boyo... Maybe they could give you the
    evidence and rational discourse you so crave.

    I have never been accused of, or found guilty of, the crime of
    rational discourse. May I remind you of this country's defamation
    laws? If you presist in slandering my reputation in this way, you
    shall hear from my lawyers.

    You think I'm on the wrong track, I think I'm on the right track. You
    are a capitalist pig and I am socialist scum. Nothing will ever
    change any of that. Learn to live with it. Come the revolution, we
    may meet again. Get your affairs in order.

    Get your humour meter fixed!

    Onya bike...

    Diogenes, Dec 4, 2008
  15. Andrew Price

    JL Guest

    Man, how confusing, Doug thinks I'm a left wing socialist, and you
    think I'm a right wing capitalist pig (isn't it normally pig dog ?).

    I guess that means I probably am in the political centre as I always

    JL, Dec 4, 2008

  16. Shit, I meant 75K USD I'd pay 250 or even maybe 450 and that's USD whatever
    that is in AUD

    Capt A. L.
    Capt.about_lunchtime, Dec 4, 2008
  17. ">
    There is no song that reads the majority or even a significant minority will
    pay considerably more for a locally produced product of equal or lesser
    quality given the opportunity. In a Democracy the tariff imposing Gov.
    would be short lived. In a Dictatorship well anything goes, good or bad.
    If you let the people decide the taffies are out. If you go down the
    Dictatorship route all's fine when he or she is a good guy but heaven help
    us when their kids take over.

    Democracy is a lousy form of Gov. But so far it's the best on offer.

    Capt. A. L.
    Capt.about_lunchtime, Dec 4, 2008
  18. Andrew Price

    theo Guest

    It's a capitalist plot I tell you.
    Tiptoe through the tulips?

    theo, Dec 4, 2008
  19. Andrew Price

    CrazyCam Guest

    OK if that is first prize, what is second prize?

    CrazyCam (who secretly agrees with _some_ of you ideas, but has
    decided, at this stage of the game, to not give a ****.)
    CrazyCam, Dec 4, 2008
  20. Andrew Price

    CrazyCam Guest

    Or perhaps, shows as a very broad church!

    CrazyCam, Dec 4, 2008
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