- a short story, some pix and an apology - I got back on the Bonnie' after a rather long and unpleasant enforced layoff, and decided to do the roundtrip to Peat's Ridge this arvo. Lovely trip - 140km total - which yielded these rather uninspiring shots of the aftermath of the Feb fires: [URL]http://www.mendosus.com/photography/peats-after-fire-01.jpg[/URL] [URL]http://www.mendosus.com/photography/peats-after-fire-02.jpg[/URL] Here's a cross-eyed stereo rendition of one: [URL]http://www.mendosus.com/photography/peats-after-fire-st-x.jpg[/URL] Nothing to write home to mother about, but mehh... On the way back I remembered the thread on counter-steering, and thought I'd fool around a bit. Hey! Whadd'ya know? Seems I've been counter-steering for 35 years without knowing it . On a stretch of the Pacific Hwy about 5k north of PITS, I was having a great time playing with the "push-left-to-go-left" concept -around a long left-hander- when the friggerty footpeg hit and bounced me upright and into the oncoming. "No worries..." Mr Dickhead thinks "...no-one here" as I struggled to regain composure and direction, and cross the double-white lines back into my southbound lane. But Lo'! Three northbound bikes suddenly appear before I had done so. They played a fine game of "Dodge-the-Idiot" and no-one came off the worse for wear. So - if you and two mates were northbound on the Pacific Hwy around 12:30 this arvo, send me your laundry bill for your undies and I'll see what I can do. Sheepishly