Counter steering again

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Jeff R., May 3, 2009.

  1. Jeff R.

    Jeff R. Guest

    - a short story, some pix and an apology -

    I got back on the Bonnie' after a rather long and unpleasant enforced
    layoff, and decided to do the roundtrip to Peat's Ridge this arvo. Lovely
    trip - 140km total - which yielded these rather uninspiring shots of the
    aftermath of the Feb fires:

    Here's a cross-eyed stereo rendition of one:

    Nothing to write home to mother about, but mehh...

    On the way back I remembered the thread on counter-steering, and thought I'd
    fool around a bit. Hey! Whadd'ya know? Seems I've been counter-steering
    for 35 years without knowing it .

    On a stretch of the Pacific Hwy about 5k north of PITS, I was having a great
    time playing with the "push-left-to-go-left" concept -around a long
    left-hander- when the friggerty footpeg hit and bounced me upright and into
    the oncoming.

    "No worries..." Mr Dickhead thinks " here" as I struggled to regain
    composure and direction, and cross the double-white lines back into my
    southbound lane.

    But Lo'! Three northbound bikes suddenly appear before I had done so.
    They played a fine game of "Dodge-the-Idiot" and no-one came off the worse
    for wear.

    So - if you and two mates were northbound on the Pacific Hwy around 12:30
    this arvo, send me your laundry bill for your undies and I'll see what I can

    Jeff R., May 3, 2009
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  2. I can relate to that. I've been riding for almost as long as you. About
    10 years ago I was dating a younger lass, who was into road racing, as a
    competitor. After seeing me punt my lovely Italian steed around a racetrack
    one track day, she diplomatically suggested that perhaps I might like to
    consider a cornering and braking corse. Well as she offered to pay I
    couldn't really say no and wallah. After one days instruction I could
    almost keep her in sight. I reckon all older fellas should consider regular
    advanced training. The ladies do it from day one and there's some fast
    sheilas around these days. It helped my competence remarkably. Alas the
    lass is long gone but now on a good day I can keep the faster guys honest,
    sort of.

    Capt A. L.
    Capt.about_lunchtime, May 3, 2009
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  3. Yes, yes, faster on the track, but that's not important right now,
    What happened to the younger lass?
    John Tserkezis, May 3, 2009
  4. Ahh well she left me and hoked up with a faster fella, younger too. But he
    had a smaller........wheelbarrow.
    And I lived happily ever after, well happily to date anyway. New wife you
    see, older woman, more mature than I, which doesn't mean a lot as far as
    maturity goes. It seems I'm approaching my 2nd childhood without getting
    through my first.

    Capt. A. L.
    Capt.about_lunchtime, May 3, 2009
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