On Friday I decided to drag my sorry arse into the 21st century and actually spend some of my own hard earnt cash on a digital camera. A week was spent scouring the internet for reviews and looking at prices, doing all the comparisons etc. Eventually I settled on a Canon, which I bought. Today I went visiting family, which is a rare event in my life. First, mum, then younger sister, then elder sister. Almost as soon as I walked through the door elder sis plonked a weighty Tesco bag in my hands and said "Been waiting for you to come round, we've got a prezzy for you that's been sitting here a fortnight". Inside was a brand new and still boxed, fairly decent quality digital camera and a large bag of AA batteries. It turns out that the firm my brother in law works for are shutting down their photographic side because it's not profitable, and all the remaining stock/samples were left for the sales reps to have a freebie feeding frenzy over. As my b-i-l is the local rep, he's in and out of head office regularly so gets to hear of these things first, so he emptied his boot before going over and took a shitload of digicams home. Everyone on both sides of their family, including me, is now the proud owner of a nice new digicam, and I'm 150 quid down having just bought the fucking Canon 3 days previously. Wtf they couoldn't have called me two weeks ago to say is a fucking mystery, I wouldn't have bothered buying the Canon if I'd known.