Corporate terrorism

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by entwisi, Dec 6, 2006.

  1. entwisi

    entwisi Guest

    or.... there must be a number for this sort of thing

    At work we don't have access to a kitchen or fridge so a couple of us
    share two flasks, one is filled up(usually by me) each day with hot
    water, the other keeps the milk fresh usually for a couple of days.
    Anyway, I was off work ill for a couple of days a couple of weeks ago
    due to a throat infection and was on a course the week after for the
    first three days. I arrived at work after the course to find my desk
    covered in compressed cardboard type stuff that looked like it had been
    deliberately broken up all over the place, the floor was covered in the
    stuff as well. At first I was curious as to what it was and it didn't
    take long to find out.

    It turns out that whilst I was away nobody had bothered to fill the
    flask with hot water so no-one had been having milk in their brews. As
    it was, there was over 1/2 a pint of milk that had been left in the
    flask that had gone off. Well, it turns out that at 4:30 on Tuesday
    evening the pressure build up in the (metal) milk flask reached epic
    proportions and was enough to blow the cap off with such force that
    I've been told it was said that "It sounded like a bomb going off" and
    the cap blew straight up into the false ceiling bringing half a dozen
    tiles down. I believe the smell was 'interesting' as well.
    entwisi, Dec 6, 2006
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  2. entwisi

    Eddie Guest

    < snip >

    That's one for TOG's H&S officer...
    Eddie, Dec 6, 2006
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  3. entwisi

    Cab Guest

    Nah, a turd in a coffee jar is the way to go.

    Or French cheese hidden in the office somewhere.

    Cab, Dec 6, 2006
  4. Prawns in the curtain pole.

    Alison Hopkins, Dec 6, 2006
  5. entwisi

    prawn Guest

    prawn, Dec 6, 2006
  6. Did I say a crustacean with an apostrophe? Did I? Eh? Paranoid, you are.

    Alison Hopkins, Dec 6, 2006
  7. entwisi

    Pip Guest

    Kippers down the back of the radiators.
    Pip, Dec 6, 2006
  8. Smoked, and you'll be back for breakfast?

    Alison Hopkins, Dec 7, 2006
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