[QUOTE] Ace bored us all completely to death with wittery prose along the lines of: [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] I think you're right to a certain degree, as it is well known that the GSX14 does wallow into corners. I just didn't want to say I was a shite rider :-)[/QUOTE] It's not just a question of 'wallowing'. Certainly, if it doesn't remain stable front to back (which is what I'd take 'wallowing' to mean) when you're cornering it's going to be very difficult to get confident with it - this behaviour can often be dialled out with suspension adjustments, or failing that by using a bit more throttle mid-bend. But I was referring to it's natural desire to keep going in a straight line, and how much manual effort is required to divert it from that course. [QUOTE] Recommendations? I like the BT020's that I've got on at the moment.[/QUOTE] No idea mate. BT020's are normally a pretty good all-rounder - replacing them with something with a more triangular section would serve to encourage quicker cornering at the expense of straight-line stability, so I'd be loathe to veer too far from manufacturer's guidelines, IIWY. [QUOTE] You know, I was thinking of asking about popping down sometime soon. I'll have to let you know, as my diary is pretty full between now and the end of July. Are you having another Ace-fest soon?[/QUOTE] Yes, but. We're waiting on all our terracing being re-done - ATM the garden and pool surround is still a bit building-site like and we'd prefer to wait until ot's a bit more sorted. I had been thinking late July/early August might fit in with other folks' schedules, but of course you don't need to wait for a full-blown fest to pop down for a weekend. [QUOTE] I was also thinking of a s/h SOB. But then there's SWMBO to get around. If I could get some mug^H^H^H punter to take the Rat of my hands, then I could put the money towards something small but nippy.[/QUOTE] Fancy a 400/4? Oh no, Blaney's put his name down for that, plus it's still on UK plates and not insured.