Coprophile required.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Old Fart at Play, Dec 30, 2003.

  1. Any DOS/W98 experts here?

    I've got a load of directories that apparently have the
    "system" flag set so they're not visible when I try
    to back them up. (DOS "dir /a" sees them)
    Any idea how to reset the buggers?
    Old Fart at Play, Dec 30, 2003
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  2. Old Fart at Play

    Big Tim Guest

    In an earlier posting, wrote...
    attrib *.* +a

    or it might be

    attrib *.* -a

    from DOS of course.

    attrib /? should give you a better idea.

    Big Tim, Dec 30, 2003
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  3. Old Fart at Play

    sweller Guest

    Didn't think that worked on directories. My Van Wolverton book doesn't
    say anything on it.
    sweller, Dec 30, 2003

  4. Thanks.
    It doesn't take a wildcard.
    I have to specify each directory individually.
    That Mr. Gates is such a nice fellow....
    Old Fart at Play, Dec 30, 2003
  5. Old Fart at Play

    Big Tim Guest

    In an earlier posting, wrote...
    Just tried it out on t'other box that's still got win98 on. attrib
    works on directories as well as files, on Win98 that is.

    Makes a change me remembering stuff...

    Of course that doesn't mean that the OP should be removing the "system"
    flag without the aid of a safety net or failing that a pen and paper to
    note the file names he changes.
    Big Tim, Dec 30, 2003
  6. Old Fart at Play

    Colin Irvine Guest

    I don't suppose this might work? It can change the read only attribute
    for whole directories, for example.
    Colin Irvine, Dec 31, 2003
  7. Old Fart at Play

    Sean Doherty Guest

    From the command line, try:

    for %a in (*.*) do attrib -a %a

    or in a batch file, try:

    for %%a in (*.*) do attrib -a %%a

    I'm not sure if for works with win98, but it's worth a look.
    Sean Doherty, Dec 31, 2003
  8. Old Fart at Play

    antonye Guest


    Go into Windows explorer and navigate to the
    directory you want to change the files.
    Now do File > Properties

    How hard is that?
    antonye, Dec 31, 2003
  9. Old Fart at Play

    Sean Doherty Guest

    heh. I still reckon the command line is quicker at getting things
    done ;-)
    Sean Doherty, Dec 31, 2003
  10. Old Fart at Play

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Me too. As long as you know the commands you need without having to
    look them up.
    Ben Blaney, Dec 31, 2003
  11. Old Fart at Play

    Sean Doherty Guest

    Aye. Still there's always the ask UKRM card.
    Sean Doherty, Dec 31, 2003
  12. Old Fart at Play

    John Heath Guest

    The command you need is attrib -s *.* /s

    The -s option re-sesets the system file flag. The /s option does it on all
    files including subdirectories.

    However, it may not work on hidden files - in which case you may need to
    make them visible first

    attrib -h *.* /s

    Or you could try pratting around with setting more than one at once -
    attrib -r -a -s -h *.* /s

    Sometimes - you need to specifiy the name of the file/directory for the
    attrib command to work (eg the hidden system dircetories used by Internet
    Explorer. You can find out their names by using dir /a:h and then using
    attrib -s -h filename.ext

    I hope that helps.
    John Heath, Dec 31, 2003
  13. Sean Doherty wrote:

    Thanks for all the replies,
    only one of which was any use.

    The correct method of resetting the "system" flag
    on a whole bunch of directories in DOS/W98 is:

    dir /a >list.txt
    send list.txt to a machine running a real OS.

    awk ' $2 == "<DIR>" && $1 != "." && $1 \
    != ".." { print "attrib -s " $1 }' list.txt >doit
    unix2dos doit doit.bat

    copy doit.bat back to the crap machine.


    Old Fart at Play, Dec 31, 2003
  14. Old Fart at Play

    Sean Doherty Guest

    Ah. In that case, the answer is :)
    Sean Doherty, Dec 31, 2003
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