Fayetteville,Ark---- ‘‘The ''Copper Chopper’’ is back home after being mistaken for trash, according to an article by AP. The motorcycle, innovatively contructed by workers at a Cabot heating and air company, was reported stolen from the ''Bikes, Blues & BarBQ festival in Fayetteville this past weekend of Oct. 12thru14th. Company employees built the motorcycle with copper tubing, tubing insulation, a refrigerant drum, a blower motor,refrigerant gauges, nut drivers, squirrel cage blower housings, and of course, some sheet metal. The Copper Chopper Bike was accidently picked up by the trash folks, apparantly when it was close to a trash bin area by a lot of other stuff, for a brief time, said a company spokesman. It is unclear of how and what happened, she continued. Earlier, the hand made Copper motorcycle had won the most creatively built Bike at the Bike contest event at the festival, said the company people. ''We put out the word and offered a 200 reward, and within hours it was, returned. I am glad they took it by accident and returned it because it was cool, rather than keep it for the value of the copper, with so much copper theft going on these days.''-said the Company spokes lady.!
Well jim, I see what you mean. But, the ''Copper Chopper'' was a winner at a Bike show, according to the article. I posted it, because I thought it was sorta funny/odd/cute.....Things were a little slow around here, so this was the best I came up with.on such a short notice.....<g> /bjay/