Cool signs

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Racing' started by Bruce H, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. Bruce H

    Bruce H Guest

    Bruce H, Jul 27, 2007
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  2. Bruce H

    Julian Bond Guest

    The best pic is of course the Tweetie-Pie rugrat going for it on a

    6 year olds on a road race track! Shock horror!
    Julian Bond, Jul 28, 2007
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  3. Bruce H

    Dragonfly Guest

    Jealous... If only my parents had been so cool! I had a hard time
    getting anywhere near cars, much less motorcycles, until I was old
    enough to buy my own insurance.

    Those posters are cool. Too bad the university photo-printing lab is
    closed for the summer, or I'd go print a few out as big as I could get
    them without pixelation. I still have a few blank spots on the walls,
    lacking appropriate two-wheeled decoration...

    Dragonfly, Jul 29, 2007
  4. You'd need to correct the spelling on a couple of them...

    Ivan Reid, School of Engineering & Design, _____________ CMS Collaboration,
    Brunel University. Ivan.Reid@[|] Room 40-1-B12, CERN
    GSX600F, RG250WD "You Porsche. Me pass!" DoD #484 JKLO#003, 005
    WP7# 3000 LC Unit #2368 (tinlc) UKMC#00009 BOTAFOT#16 UKRMMA#7 (Hon)
    KotPT -- "for stupidity above and beyond the call of duty".
    Dr Ivan D. Reid, Jul 29, 2007
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