Probably a quota - they've had 16, 17, 11 downloads respectively. It might reset after midnight wherever local midnight is.
Working OK here! -- Gavin. For the road: GSXR600K1 For the track: <gone> Current project: Peugeot Speedfight 2 For everything else: Citroën Berlingo MSN: Twitter: http://twitter.com/gavin_wilby Blog: http://www.stoof.co.uk
I dont use either. Safari here. -- Gavin. For the road: GSXR600K1 For the track: <gone> Current project: Peugeot Speedfight 2 For everything else: Citroën Berlingo MSN: Twitter: http://twitter.com/gavin_wilby Blog: http://www.stoof.co.uk