Continuous insurance

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Jim, Feb 18, 2011.

  1. Jim

    Jim Guest

    This just cropped up in my news feed - apparently they're introducing a
    fixed penalty fine of £100 if you don't keep stuff insured now:

    This is a pain in the neck: I'm pretty sure I've let the insurance lapse on
    one of the CB500s in my shed which I've kept taxing because it's cheap
    enough and I couldn't be bothered to SORN it.
    Jim, Feb 18, 2011
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  2. Jim

    wessie Guest

    SORNing the vehicle is hardly an onerous task and you'd get a refund of the
    RFL duty paid.

    The potential for a fine will hopefully get people to send off the forms to
    DVLA more promptly after a vehicle is sold. It's a PITA if you buy a
    vehicle and the old owner takes ages to send the V5 back to DVLA. Now,
    sellers should be very keen to get the change of owner registered ASAP.
    wessie, Feb 18, 2011
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  3. Jim

    TOG@Toil Guest

    It's still a bloody PITA if you've got a few 'non-runners', as I have
    (TS250ER restoration project, TS250ER donor bike, Honda 400 Four
    frame). The first is in a pile of boxes. The second is intact but
    ain't going anywhere, guv. The third is just that - a frame WLB.

    What narks me right now is the fact that the new V5s effectively
    forbid you to scrap a vehicle yourself. Yes, OK, OK, I know all the
    environmental reasons behind it, but there are times, I've found, when
    you're left with a bare frame that's u/s (I'm thinking of one I had
    whose lower tubes were rusted through) and therefore unsaleable. And
    now you aren't allowed to bin it yourself, and if you keep it you have
    to keep SORNing it.
    TOG@Toil, Feb 18, 2011
  4. Jim

    Hog Guest

    "It will not apply in Northern Ireland"

    Hog, Feb 18, 2011
  5. Jim

    wessie Guest

    As you are setting up a business, register as an ATF and offer it as
    aservice to UKRM etc
    wessie, Feb 18, 2011
  6. Jim

    TOG@Toil Guest

    Actually, according to that link, motorcycles are exempt. So far. So I
    owe some bureaucrat an apology.

    What's*really* interesting is this:

    "Whilst some aspects of the ELV Regulations only apply to the vehicle
    covered by the ELV Directive (e.g. cars and vans), the site permitting
    treatment requirements have been extended to include all waste motor
    vehicles, including motorcycles, lorries, coaches and buses."


    So motorcycles are indeed exempt, but if you have a scrapping site,
    then the scrapping requirements treat bikes the same as cars.

    OK, now Google "motorcycles + ELV" and you get a number of scrappies
    who imply that you must scrap a bike through them. Which wouldn't seem
    to be strictly true.

    One does say this:-

    "When an ELV is brought to us, we will usually have to issue a
    Certificate of Destruction (CoD) to the owner; this is your proof that
    the vehicle has been transferred and will be treated to the required
    standards set by Environment Agency and DVLA before being destroyed.
    In the case of motorcycles a COD is not available at this present
    moment in time. In these cases it's called a NOD. We will issue you
    with our own NOD, which will allow you to keep these for your

    But doesn't say that only they and their ilk can issue such an NOD.


    And this lot:

    says: "We then issue you with a DVLA Certificate of Destruction to
    notify you that the motorcycle has been disposed of legally."

    But according to the other lot, there's no such document.

    Where's Pip or other Elf N Safety people?
    TOG@Toil, Feb 18, 2011
  7. Jim

    Adrian Guest

    Woooah! It's not quite so doom and gloom... Just read between the lines a

    <reaches for new-style red V5C>
    "Scrapping your vehicle
    You cannot use the V5C to tell us you have scrapped your vehicle.
    You should take the vehicle to an Authorised Treatment Facility (ATF) and
    they should issue a Certificate of Destruction (CoD). If you do not
    receive a CoD immediately please fill in section 9 of the V5C and send to
    If you have broken up the vehicle yourself, you must either tax it or
    tell us you are keeping it off the public road by making a SORN, until
    you take it to an ATF or tell us you no longer have it."

    Couple of interesting bits of wording in there, isn't there...?

    They don't say you can't scrap it yourself. They just say you SHOULD take
    it to an ATF, and they don't say you can't tell 'em it's been scrapped by
    you - just that you can't use the V5C to do so.

    Sooo... Just break it as ever, then send the V5C back with a covering
    letter saying "I've scrapped it". Job jobbed.

    Adrian, Feb 18, 2011
  8. Jim

    TOG@Toil Guest

    Yeah, looks that way. Except that the pikier breakers would have you
    believe otherwise.
    TOG@Toil, Feb 18, 2011
  9. Jim

    Adrian Guest

    Of course they would. They want you to give them money as well as giving
    them something they can make money from.
    Adrian, Feb 18, 2011
  10. Jim

    Dr Zoidberg Guest

    Does it?
    The registered keeper will be committing an offence by not declaring it
    as off-road , but if the driver's insurance policy has CIHAGM cover.......
    Dr Zoidberg, Feb 18, 2011
  11. Jim

    Malc Guest

    In what way? I'm not trying to start an argument I just couldn't see
    anything on thaty page that specifically addressed that issue
    Malc, Feb 18, 2011
  12. On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 07:52:19 -0800 (PST), "TOG@Toil"

    <snip> Motorcycle scrapage stuff.

    So... a bit of a grey area still?
    steve auvache, Feb 18, 2011
  13. Jim

    wessie Guest

    if you click on from Jim's original URL you get to

    "If you have a vehicle other than those already mentioned,
    you still need to take your vehicle to an ATF to ensure
    it’s destroyed to environmental standards. They’ll arrange
    for the vehicle record at DVLA, to be updated with a
    Notification of Destruction."

    That page is where I got the link I posted. So, the scrappies
    saying you need a certificate are only quoting govt advice
    wessie, Feb 18, 2011
  14. Jim

    Scraggy Guest

    The problem is, apparently, all those cunts who live in London.

    Worse than scousers! Who knew?
    Scraggy, Feb 18, 2011
  15. Jim

    TOG@Toil Guest

    Yeah, but that link also says:

    "If you have broken up the vehicle yourself, you must either continue
    to tax it or tell the DVLA that you are keeping it off the public
    road. You can do this by making a SORN (Statutory Off Road
    Notification). You will need to make a SORN every year until you have
    taken it to an ATF, or told DVLA that you longer have it."

    So on the strength of the last eight words, no problem.
    TOG@Toil, Feb 18, 2011
  16. Jim

    Krusty Guest

    Not if you're taking it to a pre-arranged MOT. The argument really does
    still live on!
    Krusty, Feb 18, 2011
  17. Jim

    wessie Guest


    transfer it to an address in NI. I imagine you have at least 2 on file...
    wessie, Feb 18, 2011
  18. Jim

    Beav Guest

    How do you tax something without insurance?
    Beav, Feb 18, 2011
  19. Jim

    TOG@Toil Guest

    Or use any old address for the buyer. Better still, give the address
    of someone who's pissed you off, and let the DVLA hassle them for a
    SORN declaration every year until hell freezes over. Or (as I think I
    said some months ago) just declare it exported.
    TOG@Toil, Feb 18, 2011
  20. Jim

    Beav Guest

    Send a note to the DVLA saying "Nicked from my garage Stop. Plod informed
    Stop. **** off Stop."
    Beav, Feb 18, 2011
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